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Ticket UUID: 50375360502966a434b6aa1d1c915e515389288a
Title: Confusing conflict markers
Status: Fixed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Severe Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2009-03-21 16:24:43
Version Found In: bc857ecd92
Description & Comments:
It would be nice if the conflict markers in merge results looked like:
>>>>>>>> BEGIN MERGE CONFLICT <<<<<<<<
<my version>
<your version>
>>>>>>>>> END MERGE CONFLICT <<<<<<<<<

Sometimes it's not clear where one parts ends an another one starts, especially when merging branches after the development has diverged for a while.

anonymous added on 2009-03-11 07:24:03:
This is pretty atrocious, to be honest. I cannot think of any tool that does this bad a job at handling merge conflicts, period. Even diff/patch .rej files are superior.

drh added on 2009-03-21 16:24:43:
Fixed in 83566f24241a01bedbf89d8ca068c7c1b926b4f0