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Ticket UUID: 4f6b211d6b2fa9eb632e031645075904c2bb561c
Title: some new wikis not visible as wiki
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Not_A_Bug
Last Modified: 2008-11-15 12:54:41
Version Found In:
Description & Comments:
It seems that since check in 67f44bb301 or around, new wikipages aren't show as wiki but only visible as artifacts. In my case, I can see content of(www/ by:

but when I check the wiki link, I see only empty page:

older wikis are still visible:

It behaves the same way on fossil site with "Fossil version 9fd8009007 2008-11-09 22:43:04" or on my local clone of fossil repository with "Fossil version c66ffba6da 2008-11-10 19:54:53"

drh added on 2008-11-15 12:54:41:
I think you are confusing wiki with embedded documentation. Both use the same markup, but embedded documentation is part of baselines that are checked in and embedded documentation uses different URLs.