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Ticket UUID: 4b40f574494b20fe2ce1432fab47ca89cc354674
Title: Edit checkin comment via Web do garble references into the repos.
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Minor Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: one Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2008-07-24 15:04:00
Version Found In: f46fe42d6d
Description & Comments:
First do the following:
mkdir test1
cd test1
uuid=`fossil new repos| awk '/baseline:/{print $2}'`
fossil open repos
echo "Baseline is $uuid" > txt
fossil add txt
fossil com --nosign -m "Commit text refer to [$uuid]"
fossil ui

Now in the browser select the Timeline and click on the UUID of the leave. Now you should be into the VInfo page of the baseline. In the Comment: field you see the clickable reference. Now if you hit the edit in the Commands: field the VEdit page will be load.

Please have a look into the Comment: textbox down the page. The previous comment is inserted to be edit by me, but the closing ] of the UUID in the comment text is lacking.

If I do not append the lacking ] the reference will not work correctly anymore if I apply my changes.

drh added on 2008-07-24 15:04:00:
Problem fixed by check-in 89de100a2d