Ticket Change Details
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Changes to ticket 5b871546ce

By anonymous on 2009-02-01 10:42:33. See also: artifact content, and ticket history

    1. Change comment to "Check-in [b2e55c0d4d] introduced into the file src/main.c line:<br> <nowiki> COM MAND: commands </nowiki> <br> Was it intentional?"
    2. Change private_contact to "24b67375dd2ec6c7381a5ad34cfcf006f0b9c260"
    3. Change severity to "Cosmetic"
    4. Change status to "Open"
    5. Change title to "Possible typo in file src/main.c, introduced by check-in [b2e55c0d4d]"
    6. Change type to "Documentation"