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Ticket UUID: 43698c424703dc127687e6ca6a408c917b3706df
Title: Added a field Assigned to but can't change text and it at the same time.
Status: Closed Type: Incident
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Resolution: External_Bug
Last Modified: 2009-09-19 14:47:10
Version Found In: 713b8be852
Description & Comments:
I need a field Assigned To so that I may pass tickets back and forth between users but it seems when I create or edit a new ticket I can't change that value and add text at the same time. I first have to add text then hit edit again then changed the Assigned to value for it to take. Anyone else run into this?

I defined Assigned To choices in the common database information under tickets as follows

set assigned_To_choices { Joe Mama Both }

is this ok? In the new/edit tickets I added it to the HTML as follows

Assign To: <th1>combobox type $assigned_To_choices 1</th1> Who is this ticket assigned to?

is this ok?

drh added on 2009-09-09 15:42:50:
This sounds like you are requesting help or assistance in configuring Fossil, not reporting a bug. Please reserve the use tickets for bug reports.

For help in configuring Fossil, please post on the fossil users mailing list. Visit the fossil homepage for instructions on how to get to the users mailing list.

anonymous added on 2009-09-09 17:04:16:
I agree it could be a configuration issue but I wasn't sure if it was pertaining to code or configuration so I posted it here. All the other selections ie type, severity, resolution, and status are all setup the same what I have setup my new addition setup which makes me believe is could possibly be a bug. Has anyone else had an issue like this? I haven't seen another bug report like this.

anonymous added on 2009-09-09 17:05:28:
I'm sorry I reported it incorrectly. I meant to say I have added a field Assigned_To and this is occurring. Sorry for the confusion.

drh added on 2009-09-19 14:47:10:
I think this is the same problem in your configuration that was described in ticket 4c8803b3b168.