Changes to ticket 65363298fd
By drh on 2008-10-05 13:34:18. See also: artifact content, and ticket history
- Appended to comment:
drh added on 2008-10-05 13:34:18:
The philosophy of fossil is that nothing is ever removed from a repository. There is an exception mechanism to allow the removal of spam or other abusive content. But we will want to make it a policy to never remove anything that is not abuse from a repository.So if a bug report format were part of the repository, that means no bug report format would ever be removable. I do not think that is desirable. Many users might want to make their own private bug report formats that show, for example, all bugs assigned to them. We do not necessarily want these private formats being part of the repository forever and ever. One can easily imagine that after a few years, a busy project might have hundreds or thousands of distinct report formats, and it would become difficult to select a desired format from amid all the extraneous private formats. For this reason, bug report formats are deliberately not "artifacts" and are not synchronized by the usual "sync" mechanism.
Beginning with check-in bf75ea9852 (on 2008-10-04) you can pull bug report formats from a server using the command:
fossil config pull ticket
Also when you clone a repository, all of the bug report formats for that repository are cloned as well. But the "config pull" mechanism is distinct from the usual synchronization logic. New bug reports added to the server are not automatically pulled on the next sync; you have to manually repeat the "config pull". And there is currently no such thing as a "config push".
- Change priority to "Immediate"
- Change private_contact to "22e3b7a55e291d179313f4c2e34877f09743ee31"
- Change resolution to "Open"
- Change subsystem to "one"