Check-in [37734390ca]
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SHA1 Hash:37734390caae38e38b6b9f4df3e4fbb3befba82a
Date: 2007-11-07 06:22:32
User: aku
Comment:Pass 4 nearly completed. Rewrite symbol mutation, completed adjustment of symbol parents, added symbol refinement (noop or not flags). Now only missing piece is replication of the pass 2 paranoia checks. Note: Checks in the adjustment of parents are a bottleneck. May need indices, or something we can do in memory.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pfiltersym.tcl from [7a61a65c10] to [3dc3d0fe9b].    [diff]