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Ticket UUID: 1e919e389bb96b1311337b74d63c27e72052554a
Title: "fossil update" doesn't update
Status: Closed Type: Incident
Severity: Severe Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Not_A_Bug
Last Modified: 2009-11-28 21:04:57
Version Found In: [37f295c310] 2009-09-21 19:19:20 UTC
Description & Comments:
I have a netbook running Ubuntu "Karmic Koala", on which I have several fossil repositories. The main copy of these repositories resides on my web host. After a "fossil all sync" in which I saw new artifacts coming across, I went to the working directory trees on the netbook and did a "fossil update": and nothing happened. I tried this in two working directory trees where I knew there were new artifacts, among other updates...and "fossil update" did not pull them in.

Then, I checked out the repositories into new directories using "fossil open", and the new artifacts and updates were checked out with everything else.

So the "fossil sync all" worked; there was presumably something about the working directories that prevented "fossil update" from doing its thing.

Help! This is disturbing.

drh added on 2009-11-26 23:09:31:
I have changed this ticket to an "Incident" and closed it. Let us not presume that this is something wrong with Fossil until we better understand the problem here. It may be something as simple as the host computers clock being set to the wrong year. If, after further analysis, it turns out that this is a problem with fossil, we can reopen the ticket.

Please consider posting about the issuing on the mailing list.

Will, many many people really have been using Fossil, on Ubuntu, for a really long time. Nobody has seen anything like this before. It must be something obscure. Don't panic.

anonymous added on 2009-11-27 10:51:07:
I have the same problem and I am using ubuntu Karmic Koala.

drh added on 2009-11-27 12:14:40:
If you would like me to work on this problem, you are going to need to provide me with additional information. The preferred way to do this is to bring up the issue on the Fossil mailing list. But, failing that, please provide whatever detail you can to describe the problem.

  • What commands actually work (Please try them all)
  • Does "fossil update" work if you specify a specific version to check out?
  • What do you see if you run "strace" in front of "fossil update"?
  • What do you see if you use the --sqltrace option on "fossil update"?
  • Have you tried running fossil in a debugger to see what is going on?

anonymous added on 2009-11-28 21:04:57:
Sorry, Richard, didn't mean to give the impression that I was in a state of panic. It's disturbing precisely because (in my experience) Fossil is so stable; this incident was out of character, as it were. I'll try to bring things like this up on the mailing list first, since that's your preferred process.