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Changes to ticket 678eb0c20a

By anonymous on 2009-09-16 15:17:15. See also: artifact content, and ticket history

    1. Change comment to "I'm hosting a few repositories for small projects on a tiny (64MB RAM) VPS. With all services running (lighttpd and sshd) this leaves me with 44MB available RAM. This has not caused a problem until today. Today I sent up a fossil repository that has two sizable binary files: one 18MB, one 14MB. I found to my surprise that I simply could not clone the repository when testing it. I got cryptic error messages like these: <nowiki><pre> $ fossil clone http://retrotech.boldlygoingnowhere.org/repos/RSTS rsts.fsl Bytes Cards Artifacts Deltas Send: 552 22 0 0 Received: 4852 29 0 0 Send: 472 9 0 0 1fossil: unknown command: Status: </pre></nowiki> Investigation by trying a local clone on the VPS showed me that Fossil was running out memory: <nowiki><pre> $ fossil clone http://retrotech.boldlygoingnowhere.org/repos/RSTS rsts.fsl Bytes Cards Artifacts Deltas Send: 552 22 0 0 Received: 4149 25 0 0 Send: 472 9 0 0 out of memory </pre></nowiki> Instrumenting the memory profile on the remote side while running a clone from the server confirmed that yes, indeed, the system is rapidly running out of RAM just as Fossil is supposed to be sending data down the pipe. It looks to me like it's pulling the whole repository into memory (weighing in at 12MB on disk) and then doing other stuff besides (decompressing in-situ, perhaps?) in order to clone."
    2. Change foundin to "6cf7548a3c"
    3. Change private_contact to "e64e062ff7022fc7fdd41ac56baff07e8ae485d9"
    4. Change severity to "Severe"
    5. Change status to "Open"
    6. Change title to "Large files make memory usage spike through the roof."
    7. Change type to "Incident"