Check-in [07eaead5dc]
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SHA1 Hash:07eaead5dc84f3237718ed1394de44ca23cde981
Date: 2007-09-23 18:24:21
User: jnc
Comment:Added RSS feed. You can set the RSS title, description in Setup. Added header to style to include title and pointer to the new RSS feed. The new RSS feed is BaseURL/timeline.rss
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
[show diffs]

Modified src/branch.c from [c0919d6b52] to [97ebfed53d].    [diff]

Modified src/ from [bacbca635a] to [853909751a].    [diff]

Modified src/makemake.tcl from [6e5fe6c616] to [f7573fec3a].    [diff]

Added src/rss.c version [176d496b6e]

Modified src/setup.c from [0c2a6e74d5] to [5bcc525b3b].    [diff]

Modified src/style.c from [974ef8af80] to [74f0d8458f].    [diff]