Ticket Change Details
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Changes to ticket 70dd027135

By kkinnell on 2008-11-25 18:06:41. See also: artifact content, and ticket history

    1. Appended to comment:

      kkinnell added on 2008-11-25 18:06:41:
      You can deal with this by changing your New Ticket HTML.

      Setup->Tickets->New Ticket Page

      The text edit has a copy of the html+th1 code for doing new tickets, at the very top is

        if {[info exists submit]} {
           set status Open

      If you change that to

        if {![info exists username]} {set username $login}
        set pstr "[htmlize $login]"
        if {$username ne $login} {
            set pstr "$pstr claiming to be [htmlize $username]"
        set pstr "$pstr posted on [date]"
        if {[info exists submit]} {
           set status Open
           set comment "$pstr

      $comment" submit_ticket } </th1>

      You'll get 'so & so posted on somewhen' at the very top of the first comment in a ticket.

      Caveat: I haven't tested this quite as extensively as I might...

      Th1 isn't documented much—yet—but it's basically specialized Tcl. You can do quite a bit of customization with it, including changing sqlite tables to suit you.