File History
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History of www/index.html

21:21:18 [263b2dabf4] part of check-in [bbbee5fc37] Update the website to include links to the download page. (By: drh on 2008-03-17 21:21:18) [diff] [annotate]
18:50:35 [0f4c91fa34] part of check-in [588bb7cd73] Merged to [ed26056bb5]. (By: aku on 2008-02-24 18:50:35) [diff] [annotate]
12:39:19 [0f4c91fa34] part of check-in [852dbbb65d] Update homepage with links to competing projects. (By: drh on 2008-02-13 12:39:19) [diff] [annotate]
02:38:32 [834da7be86] part of check-in [c403f9dc40] Documentation updates. (By: drh on 2008-02-03 02:38:32) [diff] [annotate]
00:58:51 [c49cf389d3] part of check-in [bbcb6326c9] Pulled in the navbar and timeline changes. (By: aku on 2007-09-17 00:58:51) [diff] [annotate]
04:19:59 [c49cf389d3] part of check-in [469002ccdf] Added navbar to all pages, linking back to the index. Fixed typo in the index page. (By: aku on 2007-09-12 04:19:59) [diff] [annotate]
00:39:28 [a0290afac4] part of check-in [26131cfcc5] Add a first draft of the synchronization protocol document. Unproofed. (By: drh on 2007-09-10 00:39:28) [diff] [annotate]
22:22:01 [976b9491be] part of check-in [6f1af23ebe] Added section numbers to delta format, labels for linking, navigation bar. Added delta encoder description (incomplete, right now only all the trivial parts). Using TeX for formulas, and mimetex for conversion. (By: aku on 2007-08-26 22:22:01) [diff] [annotate]
03:03:58 [7006a635c1] part of check-in [452a71f40b] Merge in aku's documentation updates. (By: drh on 2007-08-26 03:03:58) [diff] [annotate]
01:32:11 [7006a635c1] part of check-in [5fcb36c81b] Added documentation of the delta format (By: aku on 2007-08-26 01:32:11) [diff] [annotate]
18:58:16 [62a56c4597] part of check-in [424d47e453] Attempting the same merge that aku tried and got empty files with. (By: drh on 2007-08-25 18:58:16) [diff] [annotate]
04:02:27 [da39a3ee5e] part of check-in [9b30224db7] Merging formatting changes to timeline and concepts documentation (By: aku on 2007-08-25 04:02:27) [diff] [annotate]
03:30:15 [62a56c4597] part of check-in [e319e8e870] Improvements to timeline formatting. Added the "concepts.html" document. (By: drh on 2007-08-25 03:30:15) [diff] [annotate]
23:10:56 [d3b58fe572] part of check-in [0cd202a86e] Website updates. Change the message for unrecognized commands to refer the user to "help". (By: drh on 2007-08-23 23:10:56) [diff] [annotate]
01:08:19 [55770629c6] part of check-in [b110d77c36] Website updates. (By: drh on 2007-08-09 01:08:19) [diff] [annotate]
20:05:49 [188269ac14] part of check-in [0e265b0184] Documentation updates. Added Makefile. (By: drh on 2007-08-01 20:05:49) [diff] [annotate]
12:52:32 [30f3834664] part of check-in [b807acf62e] Documentation updates (By: drh on 2007-07-24 12:52:32) [diff] [annotate]
14:10:57 [68895a10cd] part of check-in [dbda8d6ce9] Initial check-in of m1 sources. (By: drh on 2007-07-21 14:10:57) [annotate]