File History
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History of www/faq.tcl

07:49:39 [032c2fe5ed] part of check-in [7a2c37063a] merge trunk into creole branch (By: bob on 2009-09-22 07:49:39) [diff] [annotate]
22:59:27 [032c2fe5ed] part of check-in [713b8be852] Deleted some obsolete "todo" files. Updated the FAQ. Modified the the "vinfo" page to show check-in differences and made "vinfo" the default display for check-ins instead of "vdiff". (By: drh on 2009-08-28 22:59:27) [diff] [annotate]
21:36:58 [fcdedc015f] part of check-in [68b73eb9b9] Update the FAQ to describe how to make a clone of the self-hosting fossil repository. (By: drh on 2009-08-28 21:36:58) [diff] [annotate]
16:05:03 [6d752b949a] part of check-in [522824b26a] Documentation updates, including a big rework of the homepage. (By: drh on 2009-08-28 16:05:03) [diff] [annotate]
19:50:21 [8ff9488a6c] part of check-in [d6b8b5ba73] More FAQ updates. Add the document on "shunning". (By: drh on 2009-08-26 19:50:21) [diff] [annotate]
21:16:55 [b788977002] part of check-in [627de3bf16] Documentation updates: Added FAQ and testimonials. (By: drh on 2009-01-25 21:16:55) [annotate]