File History
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History of todo-ak.txt

21:52:21 [25be5322be] part of check-in [6b78df3861] Merge in changes from Andreas's branch. (By: drh on 2008-02-08 21:52:21) [diff] [annotate]
06:00:40 [25be5322be] part of check-in [4e02d677c2] Added note of an idea taken over by Mark Janssen. (By: aku on 2008-02-04 06:00:40) [diff] [annotate]
03:34:12 [7f4b3bcffb] part of check-in [103c397e4b] Updated my work list, added first notes about 'cvs import' functionality. (By: aku on 2007-08-28 03:34:12) [diff] [annotate]
19:49:53 [0f794bbab7] part of check-in [4bf5cf121e] Extended my list of things to do. (By: aku on 2007-08-26 19:49:53) [diff] [annotate]
06:45:02 [59d636749e] part of check-in [464a46dad2] Added a make target to invoke the testsuite, and a make variable for tclsh. Danger. Testsuite modifies the repository the checkout belongs to, and not a copy. Use with caution, clone your development repository and workspace before use. Updated my work list. (By: aku on 2007-08-26 06:45:02) [diff] [annotate]
03:03:58 [660969788a] part of check-in [452a71f40b] Merge in aku's documentation updates. (By: drh on 2007-08-26 03:03:58) [annotate]
23:58:27 [660969788a] part of check-in [90f8319a32] Added my own todo file (By: aku on 2007-08-25 23:58:27) [annotate]