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History of src/url.c

08:17:33 [118ae7487c] part of check-in [7a39dde24b] Clean up and merge updates from trunk (By: robert on 2009-09-26 08:17:33) [diff] [annotate]
07:49:39 [c5cf8d9b2a] part of check-in [7a2c37063a] merge trunk into creole branch (By: bob on 2009-09-22 07:49:39) [diff] [annotate]
16:14:33 [118ae7487c] part of check-in [7100babda6] Improved handling of spaces in usernames and passwords. (By: drh on 2009-09-21 16:14:33) [diff] [annotate]
21:53:24 [c5cf8d9b2a] part of check-in [9e274a2e7b] Update the proxy handler so that it supports basic authorization. (By: drh on 2009-09-12 21:53:24) [diff] [annotate]
12:59:38 [17c0d4bc8a] part of check-in [47d8fc4944] Always store g.urlCanonical as the last-sync-url value. Fix for ticket [045f23be750d93c0bd91f179f39c5c829ed01bc6]. (By: drh on 2009-08-01 12:59:38) [diff] [annotate]
12:51:44 [6c8a641bd1] part of check-in [945ecd1a8b] Add support for "file:" URLs on push, pull, and sync. (By: drh on 2009-04-11 12:51:44) [diff] [annotate]
18:43:47 [c65f870f23] part of check-in [797d680ef5] Add code to understand the "https://" prefix on server URLs. Any attempt to use https gives an error at this point, however. This is a work in progress. (By: drh on 2009-01-13 18:43:47) [diff] [annotate]
18:22:30 [8b85115038] part of check-in [c9cd128c2c] Add submenu entries on timeline pages for selecting options such as "tickets only" and "200 entries per page" and so forth. (By: drh on 2008-11-02 18:22:30) [diff] [annotate]
17:19:13 [ab868aa832] part of check-in [d65d619d94] Update conditions when to look for proxy URL in environment. (By: altufaltu on 2008-10-25 17:19:13) [diff] [annotate]
14:29:44 [e9070b5fce] part of check-in [d8bf311336] Fix an issue that sets proxy = getenv(http_proxy) even when global proxy option is disabled (By: altufaltu on 2008-10-25 14:29:44) [diff] [annotate]
18:19:03 [228859a2f1] part of check-in [ec82a32b80] Add the -nosync option to the "open" command. We might consider making -nosync the default for "open". (By: drh on 2008-05-10 18:19:03) [diff] [annotate]
17:09:46 [1e3ccdf688] part of check-in [9ba6e4287b] Add the --nosync option to temporarily disable autosync. Useful when off network. (By: drh on 2008-05-10 17:09:46) [diff] [annotate]
12:24:22 [32de843e7c] part of check-in [f652599003] Add the --proxy command-line option that can be used to enable or disable an http proxy on a case by case basis. (By: drh on 2008-05-06 12:24:22) [diff] [annotate]
19:08:43 [8c4adf4994] part of check-in [1dbf332352] Fix the HOST: header to use the original URL, not the proxy URL. (By: drh on 2008-05-05 19:08:43) [diff] [annotate]
17:30:12 [51a49c89b2] part of check-in [387cbeda3f] Honor the http_proxy environment variable as another source for the URL of the HTTP proxy if the "proxy" setting is undefined or is "off". (By: drh on 2008-05-05 17:30:12) [diff] [annotate]
22:49:57 [7c8f0faf01] part of check-in [676fdd088a] Enable proxy support using the "fossil setting proxy" command. This check-in is made using a proxy. (By: drh on 2008-05-01 22:49:57) [diff] [annotate]
14:28:17 [6f5bc8946f] part of check-in [e621b6dbe3] Use POST instead of GET for the /xfer method. Other bug fixes in the URL parser. (By: drh on 2007-07-30 14:28:17) [diff] [annotate]
07:09:25 [1a6d7505c6] part of check-in [3dcaed8d86] When accessing a remote repository, if there is a username/password specified as part of the URI, use these to login. (By: dan on 2007-07-28 07:09:25) [diff] [annotate]
14:10:57 [f3bcafe705] part of check-in [dbda8d6ce9] Initial check-in of m1 sources. (By: drh on 2007-07-21 14:10:57) [annotate]