File History
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History of BUILD.txt

01:16:13 [4f7988767e] part of check-in [1c2d878d12] Merge with trunk (By: btheado on 2009-12-13 01:16:13) [diff] [annotate]
22:05:46 [4f7988767e] part of check-in [fb1fa7f1a6] Make it easier to do out of source builds by optionally including config.mak or config.w32. (By: jeremy_c on 2009-12-09 22:05:46) [diff] [annotate]
07:49:39 [334b80c575] part of check-in [7a2c37063a] merge trunk into creole branch (By: bob on 2009-09-22 07:49:39) [diff] [annotate]
22:59:27 [334b80c575] part of check-in [713b8be852] Deleted some obsolete "todo" files. Updated the FAQ. Modified the the "vinfo" page to show check-in differences and made "vinfo" the default display for check-ins instead of "vdiff". (By: drh on 2009-08-28 22:59:27) [diff] [annotate]
20:05:49 [e7fed9d5b6] part of check-in [0e265b0184] Documentation updates. Added Makefile. (By: drh on 2007-08-01 20:05:49) [annotate]