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File tools/fossil_chat.tcl part of check-in [e0232ce1a0] - Use tcl_platform to determine username, this is platform independent by mjanssen on 2007-09-24 21:05:45. [view]


File tools/fossil_chat.tcl part of check-in [45f9af3240] - Fossil chat client entry widget will not lose focus on Win32 when receiving a message. by mjanssen on 2007-09-24 22:13:23. [view]

@@ -220,12 +220,14 @@
     set time [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%H:%M} -gmt 1]
     set from [lindex $line 1]
     .msg.t insert end "\[$time $from\] " meta [lindex $line 2]\n norm
     .msg.t see end
+    set current_focus [focus]
     wm deiconify .
     raise .
+    focus $current_focus
   } elseif {$cmd=="noop"} {
     # do nothing
   } elseif {$cmd=="meta"} {
     set now [clock seconds]