Differences From:
part of check-in
- Got rid of the explicit revision tree and rephrased the trunk processing
to use a loop which is more self-explanatory. Started to add in code needed
when we process the branches as well, currently they will have now effect.
aku on
2007-09-20 07:14:44.
part of check-in
- New feature for importer. rcs parser extended so that it can store parse results for quick loading in future runs. This feature has no real use in regular use of the importer, i.e. one-shot conversion of a CVS repository to fossil. It is however useful for debugging when the source repository is scanned many times during test runs. Especially for large files, with lots of changes (like ChangeLogs), the direct loading of a Tcl dictionary is much faster than actually parsing the archive files.
aku on
2007-09-26 05:02:06.
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
package require vc::fossil::ws ; # Backend, writing to destination repository.
package require vc::tools::log ; # User feedback.
package require vc::fossil::import::stats ; # Management for the Import Statistics.
package require vc::fossil::import::map ; # Management of the cset <-> uuid mapping.
+package require vc::rcs::parser ; # Parser configuration
namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs {
vc::tools::log::system import
namespace import ::vc::tools::log::write
@@ -17,8 +18,9 @@
namespace eval cvs { namespace import ::vc::cvs::ws::* }
namespace eval fossil { namespace import ::vc::fossil::ws::* }
namespace eval stats { namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::stats::* }
namespace eval map { namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::map::* }
+ namespace eval rcs { namespace import ::vc::rcs::parser::* }
fossil::configure -appname cvs2fossil
fossil::configure -ignore ::vc::cvs::ws::isadmin
@@ -45,15 +47,16 @@
proc ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::configure {key value} {
# The options are simply passed through to the fossil importer
# backend.
switch -exact -- $key {
- -breakat { fossil::configure -breakat $value }
- -nosign { fossil::configure -nosign $value }
- -project { cvs::configure -project $value }
- -saveto { fossil::configure -saveto $value }
+ -breakat { fossil::configure -breakat $value }
+ -cache-rcs { rcs::configure -cache $value }
+ -nosign { fossil::configure -nosign $value }
+ -project { cvs::configure -project $value }
+ -saveto { fossil::configure -saveto $value }
default {
return -code error "Unknown switch $key, expected one of \
- -breakat, -nosign, or -saveto"
+ -breakat, -cache, -nosign, -project, or -saveto"