Differences From:
part of check-in
- Reworked the CVS handling code to have a simpler API, more like the reworked Fossil API.
The API now has a form where adding the handling of branches should not require complex
changes in the import controller any longer. Extended the system to allow the user to
restrict the importing to a sub-directory of the chosen repository, via the new switch
--project. This is required to pull a SF CVS repository apart into the various projects
it may have. Example: Under Tcl we have 3 projects, namely Tcl itself, sampleextension,
and Thread.
aku on
2007-09-17 00:56:40.
part of check-in
- New feature for importer. rcs parser extended so that it can store parse results for quick loading in future runs. This feature has no real use in regular use of the importer, i.e. one-shot conversion of a CVS repository to fossil. It is however useful for debugging when the source repository is scanned many times during test runs. Especially for large files, with lots of changes (like ChangeLogs), the direct loading of a Tcl dictionary is much faster than actually parsing the archive files.
aku on
2007-09-26 05:02:06.
@@ -68,12 +68,13 @@
while {[string match "-*" [set opt [this]]]} {
switch -exact -- $opt {
- --breakat { next ; import::configure -breakat [this] }
- --nosign { import::configure -nosign 1 }
- --saveto { next ; import::configure -saveto [file normalize [this]] }
- --project { next ; import::configure -project [this] }
+ --breakat { next ; import::configure -breakat [this] }
+ --cache-rcs { next ; import::configure -cache-rcs [this] }
+ --nosign { import::configure -nosign 1 }
+ --project { next ; import::configure -project [this] }
+ --saveto { next ; import::configure -saveto [file normalize [this]] }
-v { incr verbosity ; ::vc::tools::log::verbosity $verbosity }
-h -
default usage
@@ -121,13 +122,14 @@
proc usage {{text {}}} {
global argv0
puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 ?-v? ?--nosign? ?--breakat id? ?--saveto path? cvs-repository fossil-repository"
if {$text eq ""} {
- puts stderr " --nosign: Do not sign the imported changesets."
- puts stderr " --breakat: Stop just before committing the identified changeset."
- puts stderr " --project: Path in the CVS repository to limit the import to."
- puts stderr " --saveto: Save commit command to the specified file."
- puts stderr " -v: Increase log verbosity. Can be used multiple times."
+ puts stderr " --nosign: Do not sign the imported changesets."
+ puts stderr " --breakat: Stop just before committing the identified changeset."
+ puts stderr " --cache-rcs: Boolean. Activate caching of rcs parse results"
+ puts stderr " --project: Path in the CVS repository to limit the import to."
+ puts stderr " --saveto: Save commit command to the specified file."
+ puts stderr " -v: Increase log verbosity. Can be used multiple times."
} else {
puts stderr " $text"