Differences From:
part of check-in
- Unhacked the fossil backend.
IOW reworked the API and made it nicer, more structured, better command and option names.
Gave the internals more structure, and simplified the handling of -breakat (old -stopat breakpoint).
Updated users, and updated the user visible switches as well.
Added a -h switch for help.
aku on
2007-09-13 08:02:26.
part of check-in
- Moved the handling of the import statistics into its own package. Untested.
aku on
2007-09-14 23:23:48.
@@ -4,17 +4,19 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4
-package require vc::cvs::ws ; # Frontend, reading from source repository
-package require vc::fossil::ws ; # Backend, writing to destination repository.
-package require vc::tools::log ; # User feedback
+package require vc::cvs::ws ; # Frontend, reading from source repository
+package require vc::fossil::ws ; # Backend, writing to destination repository.
+package require vc::tools::log ; # User feedback
+package require vc::fossil::import::stats ; # Import Statistics
namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs {
vc::tools::log::system import
namespace import ::vc::tools::log::write
namespace eval cvs { namespace import ::vc::cvs::ws::* }
namespace eval fossil { namespace import ::vc::fossil::ws::* }
+ namespace eval stats { namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::stats::* }
fossil::configure -appname cvs2fossil
fossil::configure -ignore ::vc::cvs::ws::wsignore
@@ -60,71 +62,44 @@
cvs::scan ; # Gather revision data from the archives
cvs::csets ; # Group changes into sets
cvs::rtree ; # Build revision tree (trunk only right now).
- set tot 0.0
- set nto 0
write 0 import {Begin conversion}
write 0 import {Setting up workspaces}
cvs::workspace ; # cd's to workspace
fossil::begin [pwd] ; # Uses cwd as workspace to connect to.
- set ntrunk [cvs::ntrunk] ; set ntfmt %[string length $ntrunk]s
- set nmax [cvs::ncsets] ; set nmfmt %[string length $nmax]s
+ stats::setup [cvs::ntrunk] [cvs::ncsets]
cvs::foreach_cset cset [cvs::root] {
- write 0 import "ChangeSet [format $nmfmt $cset] @ [format $ntfmt $nto]/$ntrunk ([format %6.2f [expr {$nto*100.0/$ntrunk}]]%)"
- Statistics [OneChangeSet $cset]
+ OneChangeSet $cset
- write 0 import "========= [string repeat = 61]"
- write 0 import "Imported $nto [expr {($nto == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"
- write 0 import "Within [format %.2f $tot] seconds (avg [format %.2f [expr {$tot/$nto}]] seconds/changeset)"
+ stats::done
fossil::close $dst
write 0 import Ok.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal operations - Import a single changeset.
-proc ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::Statistics {sec} {
- upvar 1 tot tot nto nto ntrunk ntrunk
+proc ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::OneChangeSet {cset} {
+ stats::csbegin $cset
- # No statistics if the commit was stopped before it was run
- if {$sec eq ""} return
- incr nto
- set tot [expr {$tot + $sec}]
- set avg [expr {$tot/$nto}]
- set max [expr {$ntrunk * $avg}]
- set rem [expr {$max - $tot}]
- write 3 import "st avg [format %.2f $avg] sec"
- write 3 import "st run [format %7.2f $tot] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$tot/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$tot/3600}]] hr"
- write 3 import "st end [format %7.2f $max] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$max/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$max/3600}]] hr"
- write 3 import "st rem [format %7.2f $rem] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$rem/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$rem/3600}]] hr"
- return
-proc ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::OneChangeSet {cset} {
- set usec [lindex [time {
+ set microseconds [lindex [time {
foreach {user message timestamp} [cvs::wssetup $cset] break
foreach {uuid ad rm ch} [fossil::commit $cset $user $timestamp $message] break
} 1] 0]
- cvs::uuid $cset $uuid
+ set seconds [expr {$microseconds/1e6}]
- set sec [expr {$usec/1e6}]
+ cvs::uuid $cset $uuid
write 2 import "== $uuid +${ad}-${rm}*${ch}"
- write 2 import "st in [format %.2f $sec] sec"
- return $sec
+ stats::csend $seconds
+ return
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------