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Differences From:

File tools/lib/importcvs.tcl part of check-in [c172959c32] - Moved the import control code into its own package. The application has been reduced to command line processing and handing over to the new package. by aku on 2007-09-08 06:33:23. [view]


File tools/lib/importcvs.tcl part of check-in [86a7f249c1] - Started to restructure the namespace hierarchy, beginning at the bottom, with the log module. by aku on 2007-09-09 00:58:18. [view]

@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Requirements
 package require Tcl 8.4
-package require cvs           ; # Frontend, reading from source repository
-package require fossil        ; # Backend,  writing to destination repository.
-package require tools::log    ; # User feedback
+package require cvs             ; # Frontend, reading from source repository
+package require fossil          ; # Backend,  writing to destination repository.
+package require vc::tools::log  ; # User feedback
 namespace eval ::import::cvs {
-    tools::log::system import
-    namespace import ::tools::log::write
+    vc::tools::log::system import
+    namespace import ::vc::tools::log::write
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # API
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
     set ntrunk [cvs::ntrunk] ; set ntfmt %[string length $ntrunk]s
     set nmax   [cvs::ncsets] ; set nmfmt %[string length $nmax]s
     cvs::foreach_cset cset [cvs::root] {
-	::tools::log::write 0 import "ChangeSet [format $nmfmt $cset] @ [format $ntfmt $nto]/$ntrunk ([format %6.2f [expr {$nto*100.0/$ntrunk}]]%)"
+	::vc::tools::log::write 0 import "ChangeSet [format $nmfmt $cset] @ [format $ntfmt $nto]/$ntrunk ([format %6.2f [expr {$nto*100.0/$ntrunk}]]%)"
 	Statistics [OneChangeSet $cset]
     write 0 import "========= [string repeat = 61]"
@@ -116,12 +116,12 @@
     set avg [expr {$tot/$nto}]
     set max [expr {$ntrunk * $avg}]
     set rem [expr {$max - $tot}]
-    ::tools::log::write 3 import "st avg [format %.2f $avg] sec"
-    ::tools::log::write 3 import "st run [format %7.2f $tot] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$tot/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$tot/3600}]] hr"
-    ::tools::log::write 3 import "st end [format %7.2f $max] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$max/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$max/3600}]] hr"
-    ::tools::log::write 3 import "st rem [format %7.2f $rem] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$rem/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$rem/3600}]] hr"
+    ::vc::tools::log::write 3 import "st avg [format %.2f $avg] sec"
+    ::vc::tools::log::write 3 import "st run [format %7.2f $tot] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$tot/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$tot/3600}]] hr"
+    ::vc::tools::log::write 3 import "st end [format %7.2f $max] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$max/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$max/3600}]] hr"
+    ::vc::tools::log::write 3 import "st rem [format %7.2f $rem] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$rem/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$rem/3600}]] hr"
 proc ::import::cvs::OneChangeSet {cset} {
@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@
     cvs::uuid $cset $uuid
     set sec [expr {$usec/1e6}]
-    ::tools::log::write 2 import "== $uuid +${ad}-${rm}*${ch}"
-    ::tools::log::write 2 import "st in  [format %.2f $sec] sec"
+    ::vc::tools::log::write 2 import "== $uuid +${ad}-${rm}*${ch}"
+    ::vc::tools::log::write 2 import "st in  [format %.2f $sec] sec"
     return $sec