Not logged in

Differences From:

File tools/lib/log.tcl part of check-in [be32ebcb41] - Redid the logging system aka user feedback completely. Verbosity levels, influenced by the new -v switch. Indentations in the output removed, parsing by tools easier, still human readable. Adapted all users of the previous feedback code to use the new system. by aku on 2007-09-08 05:35:02. [view]


File tools/lib/log.tcl part of check-in [86a7f249c1] - Started to restructure the namespace hierarchy, beginning at the bottom, with the log module. by aku on 2007-09-09 00:58:18. [view]

@@ -4,24 +4,24 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Requirements
 package require Tcl 8.4
-namespace eval ::tools::log {}
+namespace eval ::vc::tools::log {}
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # API
 # Feedback generation.
-#	tools::log::write    verbosity system text  - Write message to the log.
-#	tools::log::progress verbosity system n max - Drive a progress display.
+#	vc::tools::log::write    verbosity system text  - Write message to the log.
+#	vc::tools::log::progress verbosity system n max - Drive a progress display.
 # Administrative operations.
-#	tools::log::verbosity level  - Set the verbosity level of the application.
-#	tools::log::verbosity?       - Query the verbosity level of the application.
-#	tools::log::setCmd cmdprefix - Set callback for output
-#	tools::log::system name      - Register a system (enables tabular log formatting).
+#	vc::tools::log::verbosity level  - Set the verbosity level of the application.
+#	vc::tools::log::verbosity?       - Query the verbosity level of the application.
+#	vc::tools::log::setCmd cmdprefix - Set callback for output
+#	vc::tools::log::system name      - Register a system (enables tabular log formatting).
 # Callback API ( Executed at the global level).
 #	cmdprefix 'write'    system text
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
 # Write the message 'text' to log, for the named 'system'. The message
 # is written if and only if the message verbosity is less or equal the
 # chosen verbosity. A message of verbosity 0 cannot be blocked.
-proc ::tools::log::write {verbosity system text} {
+proc ::vc::tools::log::write {verbosity system text} {
     variable loglevel
     variable logcmd
     variable sysfmt
     if {$verbosity > $loglevel} return
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
 # Similar to write, especially in the handling of the verbosity, to
 # drive progress displays. It signals that for some long running
 # operation we are at tick 'n' of at most 'max' ticks.
-proc ::tools::log::progress {verbosity system n max} {
+proc ::vc::tools::log::progress {verbosity system n max} {
     variable loglevel
     variable logcmd
     variable sysfmt
     if {$verbosity > $loglevel} return
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
 # Set verbosity to the chosen 'level'. Only messages with a level less
 # or equal to this one will be shown.
-proc ::tools::log::verbosity {level} {
+proc ::vc::tools::log::verbosity {level} {
     variable loglevel
     if {$level < 1} {set level 0}
     set loglevel $level
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@
 # Query the currently set verbosity.
-proc ::tools::log::verbosity? {} {
+proc ::vc::tools::log::verbosity? {} {
     variable loglevel
     return  $loglevel
 # Set the log callback handling the actual output of messages going
 # through the package.
-proc ::tools::log::setCmd {cmdprefix} {
+proc ::vc::tools::log::setCmd {cmdprefix} {
     variable logcmd $cmdprefix
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@
 # by setting up a format specifier with a proper width. This is
 # handled in the generation command, before the output callback is
 # invoked.
-proc ::tools::log::system {name} {
+proc ::vc::tools::log::system {name} {
     variable sysfmt
     variable syslen
     set nlen [string length $name]
@@ -107,41 +107,41 @@
 # Internal operations - Standard output operation
 # Dispatch to the handlers of the possible operations.
-proc ::tools::log::OUT {op args} {
-    eval [linsert $args 0 ::tools::log::OUT/$op]
+proc ::vc::tools::log::OUT {op args} {
+    eval [linsert $args 0 ::vc::tools::log::OUT/$op]
 # Write handler. Each message is a line.
-proc ::tools::log::OUT/write {system text} {
+proc ::vc::tools::log::OUT/write {system text} {
     puts "$system $text"
-# Progress handler. Using \r to return to the beginning of the current
+# Progress handler. Uses \r to return to the beginning of the current
 # line without advancing.
-proc ::tools::log::OUT/progress {system n max} {
+proc ::vc::tools::log::OUT/progress {system n max} {
     puts -nonewline "$system [format %[string length $max]s $n]/$max\r"
     flush stdout
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace eval ::tools::log {
-    variable loglevel 0                 ; # Allow only uninteruptible messages.
-    variable logcmd   ::tools::log::OUT ; # Standard output to stdout.
-    variable sysfmt %s                  ; # Non-tabular formatting.
-    variable syslen 0                   ; # Ditto.
+namespace eval ::vc::tools::log {
+    variable loglevel 0                     ; # Allow only uninteruptible messages.
+    variable logcmd   ::vc::tools::log::OUT ; # Standard output to stdout.
+    variable sysfmt %s                      ; # Non-tabular formatting.
+    variable syslen 0                       ; # Ditto.
     namespace export write progress
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Ready
-package provide tools::log 1.0
+package provide vc::tools::log 1.0