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File ideas.txt part of check-in [ba486fec5a] - Add the unclustered table and the M lines to manifests. Process clusters in manifest_parse and manifest_crossref. The xfer process still does not yet use clusters though so it is still compatible. But that is about to change. by drh on 2007-09-03 01:28:57. [view]


File ideas.txt part of check-in [e1c1877c99] - Sync using clusters appears to work. More testing is needed before we go live. by drh on 2007-09-08 16:01:28. Also file ideas.txt part of check-in [bbcb6326c9] - Pulled in the navbar and timeline changes. by aku on 2007-09-17 00:58:51. [view]

@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
    * Header ends with a blank line.  wiki content follows.
 Cluster format:
-   "Cluster"
-   (UUID\n)+
+       M+ uuid
+       Z manifest-cksum
    * Cluster generated in server mode only.
    * Embargo cluster that reference phantoms or other embargoed clusters.
    * Never send or ihave an embargoed cluster
@@ -68,8 +68,9 @@
      * Server receives file message
      * Server creates phantoms for unknown ihaves
      * Server sends gimme messages for all phantoms
+     * Client clears its unsent table
      * For each gimme message add an entry to wanted
      * Halt if the wanted table is empty
 Details on new pull algorithm: