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File tools/lib/pkgIndex.tcl part of check-in [f166b0a63c] - Added first code regarding import from cvs, processing a CVSROOT/history file. Looks good, except that the history I have is incomplete, truncated at the beginning. Extended my notes with results from this experiment, thinking about a possible different method. by aku on 2007-08-31 04:57:33. [view]


File tools/lib/pkgIndex.tcl part of check-in [df91d389d5] - First semi-complete app for import from CVS. Trunk only, wholesale only. by aku on 2007-09-04 05:36:56. [view]

@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
 if {![package vsatisfies [package require Tcl] 8.4]} return
 package ifneeded rcsparser 1.0 [list source [file join $dir rcsparser.tcl]]
+package ifneeded cvs       1.0 [list source [file join $dir cvs.tcl]]
+package ifneeded fossil    1.0 [list source [file join $dir fossil.tcl]]