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Differences From:

File src/doc.c part of check-in [7a2c37063a] - merge trunk into creole branch by bob on 2009-09-22 07:49:39. Also file src/doc.c part of check-in [292e585661] - If the special "ckout" of the "/doc" webpage is used and the server is not within a local check-out, then automatically convert "ckout" to "tip". by drh on 2009-08-15 12:18:08. [view]


File src/doc.c part of check-in [43481115ed] - Add a "logo" image to the local server state. Return this image on all requests to the "/logo" URL. All the administrator to setup that image. Include the image in the default header. by drh on 2009-09-21 19:10:35. [view]

@@ -469,5 +469,94 @@
   style_header("Document Not Found");
   @ <p>No such document: %h(PD("name","tip/index.wiki"))</p>
+** The default logo.
+static const unsigned char aLogo[] = {
+    71,  73,  70,  56,  55,  97,  62,   0,  71,   0, 244,   0,   0,  85,
+   129, 149,  95, 136, 155,  99, 139, 157, 106, 144, 162, 113, 150, 166,
+   116, 152, 168, 127, 160, 175, 138, 168, 182, 148, 176, 188, 159, 184,
+   195, 170, 192, 202, 180, 199, 208, 184, 202, 210, 191, 207, 215, 201,
+   215, 221, 212, 223, 228, 223, 231, 235, 226, 227, 226, 226, 234, 237,
+   233, 239, 241, 240, 244, 246, 244, 247, 248, 255, 255, 255,   0,   0,
+     0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
+     0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  44,   0,   0,
+     0,   0,  62,   0,  71,   0,   0,   5, 255,  96, 100, 141, 100, 105,
+   158, 168,  37,  41, 132, 192, 164, 112,  44, 207, 102,  99,   0,  56,
+    16,  84, 116, 239, 199, 141,  65, 110, 232, 248,  25, 141, 193, 161,
+    82, 113, 108, 202,  32,  55, 229, 210,  73,  61,  41, 164,  88, 102,
+   181,  10,  41,  96, 179,  91, 106,  35, 240,   5, 135, 143, 137, 242,
+    87, 123, 246,  33, 190,  81, 108, 163, 237, 198,  14,  30, 113, 233,
+   131,  78, 115,  72,  11, 115,  87, 101,  19, 124,  51,  66,  74,   8,
+    19,  16,  67, 100,  74, 133,  50,  15, 101, 135,  56,  11,  74,   6,
+   143,  49, 126, 106,  56,   8, 145,  67,   9, 152,  48, 139, 155,   5,
+    22,  13,  74, 115, 161,  41, 147, 101,  13, 130,  57, 132, 170,  40,
+   167, 155,   0,  94,  57,   3, 178,  48, 183, 181,  57, 160, 186,  40,
+    19, 141, 189,   0,  69, 192,  40,  16, 195, 155, 185, 199,  41, 201,
+   189, 191, 205, 193, 188, 131, 210,  49, 175,  88, 209, 214,  38,  19,
+     3,  11,  19, 111, 127,  60, 219,  39,  55, 204,  19,  11,   6, 100,
+     5,  10, 227, 228,  37, 163,   0, 239, 117,  56, 238, 243,  49, 195,
+   177, 247,  48, 158,  56, 251,  50, 216, 254, 197,  56, 128, 107, 158,
+     2, 125, 171, 114,  92, 218, 246,  96,  66,   3,   4,  50, 134, 176,
+   145,   6,  97,  64, 144,  24,  19, 136, 108,  91, 177, 160,   0, 194,
+    19, 253,   0, 216, 107, 214, 224, 192, 129,   5,  16,  83, 255, 244,
+    43, 213, 195,  24, 159,  27, 169,  64, 230,  88, 208, 227, 129, 182,
+    54,   4,  89, 158,  24, 181, 163, 199,   1, 155,  52, 233,   8, 130,
+   176,  83,  24, 128, 137,  50,  18,  32,  48,  48, 114,  11, 173, 137,
+    19, 110,   4,  64, 105,   1, 194,  30, 140,  68,  15,  24,  24, 224,
+    50,  76,  70,   0,  11, 171,  54,  26, 160, 181, 194, 149, 148,  40,
+   174, 148, 122,  64, 180, 208, 161,  17, 207, 112, 164,   1, 128,  96,
+   148,  78,  18,  21, 194,  33, 229,  51, 247,  65, 133,  97,   5, 250,
+    69, 229, 100,  34, 220, 128, 166, 116, 190,  62,   8, 167, 195, 170,
+    47, 163,   0, 130,  90, 152,  11, 160, 173, 170,  27, 154,  26,  91,
+   232, 151, 171,  18,  14, 162, 253,  98, 170,  18,  70, 171,  64, 219,
+    10,  67, 136, 134, 187, 116,  75, 180,  46, 179, 174, 135,   4, 189,
+   229, 231,  78,  40,  10,  62, 226, 164, 172,  64, 240, 167, 170,  10,
+    18, 124, 188,  10, 107,  65, 193,  94,  11,  93, 171,  28, 248,  17,
+   239,  46, 140,  78,  97,  34,  25, 153,  36,  99,  65, 130,   7, 203,
+   183, 168,  51,  34, 136,  25, 140,  10,   6,  16,  28, 255, 145, 241,
+   230, 140,  10,  66, 178, 167, 112,  48, 192, 128, 129,   9,  31, 141,
+    84, 138,  63, 163, 162,   2, 203, 206, 240,  56,  55,  98, 192, 188,
+    15, 185,  50, 160,   6,   0, 125,  62,  33, 214, 195,  33,   5,  24,
+   184,  25, 231,  14, 201, 245, 144,  23, 126, 104, 228,   0, 145,   2,
+    13, 140, 244, 212,  17,  21,  20, 176, 159,  17,  95, 225, 160, 128,
+    16,   1,  32, 224, 142,  32, 227, 125,  87,  64,   0,  16,  54, 129,
+   205,   2, 141,  76,  53, 130, 103,  37, 166,  64, 144, 107,  78, 196,
+     5, 192,   0,  54,  50, 229,   9, 141,  49,  84, 194,  35,  12, 196,
+   153,  48, 192, 137,  57,  84,  24,   7,  87, 159, 249, 240, 215, 143,
+   105, 241, 118, 149,   9, 139,   4,  64, 203, 141,  35, 140, 129, 131,
+    16, 222, 125, 231, 128,   2, 238,  17, 152,  66,   3,   5,  56, 224,
+   159, 103,  16,  76,  25,  75,   5,  11, 164, 215,  96,   9,  14,  16,
+    36, 225,  15,  11,  40, 144, 192, 156,  41,  10, 178, 199,   3,  66,
+    64,  80, 193,   3, 124,  90,  48, 129, 129, 102, 177,  18, 192, 154,
+    49,  84, 240, 208,  92,  22, 149,  96,  39,   9,  31,  74,  17,  94,
+     3,   8, 177, 199,  72,  59,  85,  76,  25, 216,   8, 139, 194, 197,
+   138, 163,  69,  96, 115,   0, 147,  72,  72,  84,  28,  14,  79,  86,
+   233, 230,  23, 113,  26, 160, 128,   3,  10,  58, 129, 103,  14, 159,
+   214, 163, 146, 117, 238, 213, 154, 128, 151, 109,  84,  64, 217,  13,
+    27,  10, 228,  39,   2, 235, 164, 168,  74,   8,   0,  59,
+** WEBPAGE: logo
+** Return the logo image.  This image is available to anybody who can see
+** the login page.  It is designed for use in the upper left-hand corner
+** of the header.
+void logo_page(void){
+  Blob logo;
+  char *zMime;
+  zMime = db_get("logo-mimetype", "image/gif");
+  blob_zero(&logo);
+  db_blob(&logo, "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='logo-image'");
+  if( blob_size(&logo)==0 ){
+    blob_init(&logo, (char*)aLogo, sizeof(aLogo));
+  }
+  cgi_set_content_type(zMime);
+  cgi_set_content(&logo);