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File src/checkout.c part of check-in [4fff366109] - branch, start committing hacking that will hopefully yield fix to this problem: one is allowed to checkout "artifacts" that should not be checkout-able (ie: changes to tickets); trying to check this out is permitted, but results in a segfault by bch on 2009-04-19 05:48:45. [view]


File src/checkout.c part of check-in [ab6a293182] - fix for ticket 8832434e32, wrong args for checkoutable() by bch on 2009-04-19 06:14:53. [view]

@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@
   if( g.argc!=3 ) usage("?--force? VERSION");
   if( !forceFlag && unsaved_changes()==1 ){
     fossil_fatal("there are unsaved changes in the current checkout");
-  if(!checkoutable()){
+  if(!checkoutable(g.argv[2])){
     fossil_fatal("the VERSION you requested is not a checkout-able artifact");
   if( forceFlag ){
     db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM vfile");