Differences From:
part of check-in
- Give an error if an attempt is made to merge, update, or checkout against
an incomplete baseline - one that contains phantoms. Update the xfer
protocol to converge on a stable synchronization faster and (hopeful) not
quit until the sync is complete.
drh on
2007-08-27 00:04:32.
Also file
part of check-in
- Merged drh's fixes new features (xfer, timeline handling, javascript based timeline highlighting) into my branch.
aku on
2007-08-29 02:55:33.
part of check-in
- Added text notes on ideas for dealing with tickets and wiki.
drh on
2007-09-02 20:33:16.
@@ -60,8 +60,20 @@
+ Timeline showing individual branches
+ Timeline shows forks and merges
+ Tags shown on timeline (maybe) and in vinfo (surely).
+Features needed:
+ * Means to suppress artifacts
+ * Means to cap a branch
+ * Ticketing
+ + Problem is/is-not expressed in baseline X.
+ + Append comment and zero or more attachments
+ * Modify comments on baselines
+ * Append comments to any artifact
+ * Wiki?
Extended manifests.
* normal manifest has:
C comment
D date-time
@@ -69,8 +81,21 @@
P uuid ... -- omitted for first manifest
R repository-md5sum
U user-login
Z manifest-checksum
+ * Accessory:
+ A uuid|* attachment-uuid description
+ B (+|-)branchtag uuid
+ D date-time
+ E uuid new-comment
+ G uuid appended-remark
+ S repositoryid serial-number
+ U userid
+ V (+|-)versiontag uuid
+ X uuid-to-surpress
+ Z this-file-checksum
* Change the comment on a version: -- always a leaf except in cluster
D date-time
E new-comment
P uuid -- baseline whose comment is changed