@@ -33,42 +33,100 @@
#define DEBUG(X)
#define ISDEBUG 0
-** Opcodes.
-** Values are important here. The text_diff() function returns an array
-** of triples of integers where within each triple, the 0 element is
-** the number of lines to copy, the 1 element is the number of lines to
-** delete and the 2 element is the number of lines to insert. The CPY,
-** DEL, and INS opcodes must correspond to these indices.
-#define CPY 0
-#define DEL 1
-#define INS 2
-#define END 3
-#define UNK 4
+/* The minimum of two integers */
+#define min(A,B) (A<B?A:B)
-** Compare a single line of text from pV1 and pV2. If the lines
+** Compare N lines of text from pV1 and pV2. If the lines
** are the same, return true. Return false if they are different.
** The cursor on both pV1 and pV2 is unchanged.
-static int sameLine(Blob *pV1, Blob *pV2){
+static int sameLines(Blob *pV1, Blob *pV2, int N){
char *z1, *z2;
int i;
+ if( N==0 ) return 1;
z1 = &blob_buffer(pV1)[blob_tell(pV1)];
z2 = &blob_buffer(pV2)[blob_tell(pV2)];
- for(i=0; z1[i]!='\n' && z1[i]==z2[i]; i++){}
- return z2[i]=='\n' || (z2[i]=='\r' && z2[i+1]=='\n')
- || (z1[i]=='\r' && z2[i]=='\n' && z1[i+1]=='\n');
+ for(i=0; z1[i]==z2[i]; i++){
+ if( z1[i]=='\n' ){
+ N--;
+ if( N==0 ) return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+** Look at the next edit triple in both aC1 and aC2. If they describe
+** an identical edit, then return 1. If the edits are different,
+** return 0.
+static int sameEdit(int *aC1, int *aC2, Blob *pV1, Blob *pV2){
+ if( aC1[0]!=aC2[0] ) return 0;
+ if( aC1[1]!=aC2[1] ) return 0;
+ if( aC1[2]!=aC2[2] ) return 0;
+ if( sameLines(pV1, pV2, aC1[2]) ) return 1;
+ return 0;
+** The aC[] array contains triples of integers. Within each triple, the
+** elements are:
+** (0) The number of lines to copy
+** (1) The number of lines to delete
+** (2) The number of liens to insert
+** Suppose we want to advance over sz lines of the pivot. This routine
+** returns true if that advance would land us on a copy operation. It
+** returns false if the advance would end on a delete.
+static int ends_at_CPY(int *aC, int sz){
+ while( sz>0 && (aC[0]>0 || aC[1]>0 || aC[2]>0) ){
+ if( aC[0]>=sz ) return 1;
+ sz -= aC[0];
+ if( aC[1]>sz ) return 0;
+ sz -= aC[1];
+ aC += 3;
+ }
+ return 1;
+** pSrc contains an edited file where aC[] describes the edit. Part of
+** pSrc has already been output. This routine outputs additional lines
+** of pSrc - lines that correspond to the next sz lines of the original
+** unedited file.
+** The aC[] array is updated and the new index into aC[] is returned.
+static int output_one_side(
+ Blob *pOut, /* Write to this blob */
+ Blob *pSrc, /* The edited file that is to be copied to pOut */
+ int *aC, /* Array of integer triples describing the edit */
+ int i, /* Index in aC[] of current location in pSrc */
+ int sz /* Number of lines in unedited source to output */
+ while( sz>0 ){
+ if( aC[i]==0 && aC[i+1]==0 && aC[i+2]==0 ) break;
+ if( aC[i]>sz ){
+ blob_copy_lines(pOut, pSrc, sz);
+ aC[i] -= sz;
+ break;
+ }
+ blob_copy_lines(pOut, pSrc, aC[i]);
+ blob_copy_lines(pOut, pSrc, aC[i+2]);
+ sz -= aC[i] + aC[i+1];
+ i += 3;
+ }
+ return i;
-/* The minimum of two integers */
-#define min(A,B) (A<B?A:B)
** Do a three-way merge. Initialize pOut to contain the result.
@@ -84,20 +142,14 @@
int blob_merge(Blob *pPivot, Blob *pV1, Blob *pV2, Blob *pOut){
int *aC1; /* Changes from pPivot to pV1 */
int *aC2; /* Changes from pPivot to pV2 */
int i1, i2; /* Index into aC1[] and aC2[] */
- int op1, op2; /* Opcode for aC1[] and aC2[] */
- int n1, n2; /* Counts for op1 and op2 */
- int mn; /* Minimum count of op1 and op2 */
+ int nCpy, nDel, nIns; /* Number of lines to copy, delete, or insert */
int limit1, limit2; /* Sizes of aC1[] and aC2[] */
int nConflict = 0; /* Number of merge conflicts seen so far */
static const char zBegin[] = ">>>>>>> BEGIN MERGE CONFLICT\n";
static const char zMid[] = "============================\n";
static const char zEnd[] = "<<<<<<< END MERGE CONFLICT\n";
- static const char *zOp[] = { "CPY", "DEL", "INS", "END", "UNK" };
/* Compute the edits that occur from pPivot => pV1 and pPivot => pV2 */
aC1 = text_diff(pPivot, pV1, 0, 0);
aC2 = text_diff(pPivot, pV2, 0, 0);
@@ -126,135 +178,80 @@
printf("c2: %4d %4d %4d\n", aC2[i2], aC2[i2+1], aC2[i2+2]);
- op1 = op2 = UNK;
- i1 = i2 = -1;
- n1 = n2 = 0;
- while(1){
- if( op1==UNK ){
- if( n1 ){
- op1 = i1 % 3;
- }else{
- i1++;
- while( i1<limit1 && aC1[i1]==0 ){ i1++; }
- if( i1>=limit1 ){
- op1 = END;
- }else{
- op1 = i1 % 3;
- n1 = aC1[i1];
- }
- }
- }
- if( op2==UNK ){
- if( n2 ){
- op2 = i2 % 3;
- }else{
- i2++;
- while( i2<limit2 && aC2[i2]==0 ){ i2++; }
- if( i2>=limit2 ){
- op2 = END;
- }else{
- op2 = i2 % 3;
- n2 = aC2[i2];
- }
- }
- }
- DEBUG( printf("op1=%s(%d) op2=%s(%d)\n", zOp[op1], n1, zOp[op2], n2); )
- if( op1==END ){
- if( op2==INS ){
- DEBUG( printf("INSERT %d FROM 2\n", n2); )
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV2, n2);
- }
- break;
- }else if( op2==END ){
- if( op1==INS ){
- DEBUG( printf("INSERT %d FROM 1\n", n1); )
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV1, n1);
+ i1 = i2 = 0;
+ while( i1<limit1 && i2<limit2 ){
+ DEBUG( printf("%d: %2d %2d %2d %d: %2d %2d %2d\n",
+ i1/3, aC1[i1], aC1[i1+1], aC1[i1+2],
+ i2/3, aC2[i2], aC2[i2+1], aC2[i2+2]); )
+ if( aC1[i1]>0 && aC2[i2]>0 ){
+ nCpy = min(aC1[i1], aC2[i2]);
+ DEBUG( printf("COPY %d\n", nCpy); )
+ blob_copy_lines(pOut, pPivot, nCpy);
+ blob_copy_lines(0, pV1, nCpy);
+ blob_copy_lines(0, pV2, nCpy);
+ aC1[i1] -= nCpy;
+ aC2[i2] -= nCpy;
+ }else
+ if( aC1[i1] >= aC2[i2+1] && aC2[i2+1]+aC2[i2+2]>0 ){
+ nDel = aC2[i2+1];
+ nIns = aC2[i2+2];
+ DEBUG( printf("EDIT -%d+%d left\n", nDel, nIns); )
+ blob_copy_lines(0, pPivot, nDel);
+ blob_copy_lines(0, pV1, nDel);
+ blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV2, nIns);
+ aC1[i1] -= nDel;
+ i2 += 3;
+ }else
+ if( aC2[i2] >= aC1[i1+1] && aC1[i1+1]+aC1[i1+2]>0 ){
+ nDel = aC1[i1+1];
+ nIns = aC1[i1+2];
+ DEBUG( printf("EDIT -%d+%d right\n", nDel, nIns); )
+ blob_copy_lines(0, pPivot, nDel);
+ blob_copy_lines(0, pV2, nDel);
+ blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV1, nIns);
+ aC2[i2] -= nDel;
+ i1 += 3;
+ }else
+ if( sameEdit(&aC1[i1], &aC2[i2], pV1, pV2) ){
+ assert( aC1[i1]==0 );
+ nDel = aC1[i1+1];
+ nIns = aC1[i1+2];
+ DEBUG( printf("EDIT -%d+%d both\n", nDel, nIns); )
+ blob_copy_lines(0, pPivot, nDel);
+ blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV1, nIns);
+ blob_copy_lines(0, pV2, nIns);
+ i1 += 3;
+ i2 += 3;
+ }else
+ {
+ int sz = 1; /* Size of the conflict in lines */
+ nConflict++;
+ while( !ends_at_CPY(&aC1[i1], sz) || !ends_at_CPY(&aC2[i2], sz) ){
+ sz++;
- break;
- }else if( op1==CPY && op2==CPY ){
- mn = min(n1,n2);
- DEBUG( printf("COPY %d\n", mn); )
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pPivot, mn);
- blob_copy_lines(0, pV1, mn);
- blob_copy_lines(0, pV2, mn);
- n1 -= mn;
- n2 -= mn;
- op1 = op2 = UNK;
- }else if( op1==DEL && op2==DEL ){
- mn = min(n1,n2);
- DEBUG( printf("SKIP %d both\n", mn); )
- blob_copy_lines(0, pPivot, mn);
- n1 -= mn;
- n2 -= mn;
- op1 = op2 = UNK;
- }else if( op1==INS && op2==INS && sameLine(pV1, pV2) ){
- DEBUG( printf("DUPLICATE INSERT\n"); )
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV2, 1);
- blob_copy_lines(0, pV1, 1);
- n1--;
- n2--;
- op1 = op2 = UNK;
- }else if( op1==CPY && op2==DEL ){
- mn = min(n1,n2);
- DEBUG( printf("SKIP %d two\n", mn); )
- blob_copy_lines(0, pPivot, mn);
- blob_copy_lines(0, pV1, mn);
- n1 -= mn;
- n2 -= mn;
- op1 = op2 = UNK;
- }else if( op2==CPY && op1==DEL ){
- mn = min(n1,n2);
- DEBUG( printf("SKIP %d one\n", mn); )
- blob_copy_lines(0, pPivot, mn);
- blob_copy_lines(0, pV2, mn);
- n2 -= mn;
- n1 -= mn;
- op1 = op2 = UNK;
- }else if( op1==CPY && op2==INS ){
- DEBUG( printf("INSERT %d two\n", n2); )
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV2, n2);
- n2 = 0;
- op2 = UNK;
- }else if( op2==CPY && op1==INS ){
- DEBUG( printf("INSERT %d one\n", n1); )
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV1, n1);
- n1 = 0;
- op1 = UNK;
- }else{
- int toSkip = 0;
- nConflict++;
- DEBUG( printf("CONFLICT\n"); )
+ DEBUG( printf("CONFLICT %d\n", sz); )
blob_appendf(pOut, zBegin);
- if( op1==DEL ){
- toSkip = n1;
- i1++;
- if( aC1[i1] ){
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV1, aC1[i1]);
- }
- }else{
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV1, n1);
- }
- n1 = 0;
- op1 = UNK;
+ i1 = output_one_side(pOut, pV1, aC1, i1, sz);
blob_appendf(pOut, zMid);
- if( op2==DEL ){
- blob_copy_lines(0, pPivot, n2);
- i2++;
- if( aC2[i2] ){
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV2, aC2[i2]);
- }
- }else{
- blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV2, n2);
- }
- if( toSkip ){
- blob_copy_lines(0, pPivot, toSkip);
- }
- n2 = 0;
- op2 = UNK;
+ i2 = output_one_side(pOut, pV2, aC2, i2, sz);
blob_appendf(pOut, zEnd);
+ blob_copy_lines(0, pPivot, sz);
+ if( i1<limit1 && aC1[i1]==0 && aC1[i1+1]==0 && aC1[i1+2]==0 ) i1+=3;
+ if( i2<limit2 && aC2[i2]==0 && aC2[i2+1]==0 && aC2[i2+2]==0 ) i2+=3;
+ }
+ DEBUG( printf("%d: %2d %2d %2d %d: %2d %2d %2d\n",
+ i1/3, aC1[i1], aC1[i1+1], aC1[i1+2],
+ i2/3, aC2[i2], aC2[i2+1], aC2[i2+2]); )
+ if( i1<limit1 && aC1[i1+2]>0 ){
+ DEBUG( printf("INSERT +%d left\n", aC1[i1+2]); )
+ blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV1, aC1[i1+2]);
+ }else if( i2<limit2 && aC2[i2+2]>0 ){
+ DEBUG( printf("INSERT +%d right\n", aC2[i2+2]); )
+ blob_copy_lines(pOut, pV2, aC2[i2+2]);