Differences From:
part of check-in
- First draft of the "branching" document.
drh on
2009-01-23 21:24:00.
part of check-in
- Documentation updates: Added FAQ and testimonials.
drh on
2009-01-25 21:16:55.
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
Or you can grab
[http://www.fossil-scm.org/download.html | pre-compiled binaries].
-Feature Summary:
+<b>Feature Summary:</b>
* Flexible workflow:<ul>
<li>Disconnected, distributed development like
<a href="http://kerneltrap.org/node/4982">git</a>,
@@ -52,10 +52,11 @@
unlikely that data will ever be lost because of a software bug.
* Ridiculously easy to [./build.wiki | install] and
[./quickstart.wiki | operate].
-User Links:
+<b>User Links:</b>
+ * [./faq.wiki | FAQ]
* The [./concepts.wiki | concepts] behind fossil
* [./build.wiki | Building And Installing]
* [./quickstart.wiki | Quick Start] guide to using fossil
* Fossil supports [./embeddeddoc.wiki | embedded documentation]
@@ -68,12 +69,13 @@
* There is a
[http://lists.fossil-scm.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fossil-users | mailing list]
available for discussing fossil issues.
* [./qandc.wiki | Questions & Criticisms] directed at fossil.
+ * [./reviews.wiki | Testimonials] from fossil users.
* Some (unfinished but expanding) extended
[./reference.wiki | reference documentation] for the fossil command line.
-Developer Links:
+<b>Developer Links:</b>
* [./pop.wiki | Principles Of Operation]
* The [./fileformat.wiki | file format] used by every content
file stored in the repository.
@@ -82,9 +84,9 @@
* The [./delta_encoder_algorithm.wiki | encoder algorithm] used to
efficiently generate deltas.
* The [./sync.wiki | synchronization protocol].
-Competing Projects:
+<b>Competing Projects:</b>
* [http://www.ditrack.org/ | DITrace] - A Distributed Issue Tracker
* [http://www.distract.wellquite.org/ | DisTract]
- Another distributed issue tracker based on