Differences From:
part of check-in
- Change the way branches are tagged: The value of the "branch" property is
used to identify the branch name. Repository rebuild required. Also,
branches must be retagged.
drh on
2009-01-22 12:03:51.
part of check-in
- Add the ability to edit check-in dates using control artifacts. Useful
if a user does a check-in when their system clock is set incorrectly thus
causing an incorrect timestamp to appear on the check-in artifact.
You must run "fossil all rebuild" after upgrading to this
or any later version of fossil from a prior version.
drh on
2009-08-21 16:25:30.
@@ -277,13 +277,14 @@
@ );
@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(1, 'bgcolor'); -- TAG_BGCOLOR
@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(2, 'comment'); -- TAG_COMMENT
@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(3, 'user'); -- TAG_USER
-@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(4, 'hidden'); -- TAG_HIDDEN
-@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(5, 'private'); -- TAG_PRIVATE
-@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(6, 'cluster'); -- TAG_CLUSTER
-@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(7, 'branch'); -- TAG_BRANCH
-@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(8, 'closed'); -- TAG_CLOSED
+@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(4, 'date'); -- TAG_DATE
+@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(5, 'hidden'); -- TAG_HIDDEN
+@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(6, 'private'); -- TAG_PRIVATE
+@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(7, 'cluster'); -- TAG_CLUSTER
+@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(8, 'branch'); -- TAG_BRANCH
+@ INSERT INTO tag VALUES(9, 'closed'); -- TAG_CLOSED
@ -- Assignments of tags to baselines. Note that we allow tags to
@ -- have values assigned to them. So we are not really dealing with
@ -- tags here. These are really properties. But we are going to
@@ -331,16 +332,17 @@
# define TAG_BGCOLOR 1 /* Set the background color for display */
# define TAG_COMMENT 2 /* The check-in comment */
# define TAG_USER 3 /* User who made a checking */
-# define TAG_HIDDEN 4 /* Do not display or sync */
-# define TAG_PRIVATE 5 /* Display but do not sync */
-# define TAG_CLUSTER 6 /* A cluster */
-# define TAG_BRANCH 7 /* Value is name of the current branch */
-# define TAG_CLOSED 8 /* Do not display this check-in as a leaf */
+# define TAG_DATE 4 /* The date of a check-in */
+# define TAG_HIDDEN 5 /* Do not display or sync */
+# define TAG_PRIVATE 6 /* Display but do not sync */
+# define TAG_CLUSTER 7 /* A cluster */
+# define TAG_BRANCH 8 /* Value is name of the current branch */
+# define TAG_CLOSED 9 /* Do not display this check-in as a leaf */
-# define MAX_INT_TAG 8 /* The largest pre-assigned tag id */
+# define MAX_INT_TAG 9 /* The largest pre-assigned tag id */
** The schema for the locate FOSSIL database file found at the root