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File src/tag.c part of check-in [08db9e11cb] - Track the origin of tags and display that origin in the tag and properities information field of the "vinfo" page. Must "fossil rebuild" after this change. by drh on 2009-01-21 23:40:17. [view]


File src/tag.c part of check-in [042a08b564] - Improved messages in the "tags and properties" section of the vinfo page. Distinguish between a merge between forks and a merge between branches. A merge from forks, closes the fork, but not a merge from a branch. by drh on 2009-01-22 01:10:41. [view]

@@ -174,11 +174,11 @@
     /* Another entry that is more recent already exists.  Do nothing */
-    "REPLACE INTO tagxref(tagid,tagtype,srcId,value,mtime,rid)"
-    " VALUES(%d,%d,%d,%Q,:mtime,%d)",
-    tagid, tagtype, srcId, zValue, rid
+    "REPLACE INTO tagxref(tagid,tagtype,srcId,origid,value,mtime,rid)"
+    " VALUES(%d,%d,%d,%d,%Q,:mtime,%d)",
+    tagid, tagtype, srcId, rid, zValue, rid
   db_bind_double(&s, ":mtime", mtime);