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Differences From:

File src/manifest.c part of check-in [08db9e11cb] - Track the origin of tags and display that origin in the tag and properities information field of the "vinfo" page. Must "fossil rebuild" after this change. by drh on 2009-01-21 23:40:17. [view]


File src/manifest.c part of check-in [ac03d43348] - Add the ability to edit check-in dates using control artifacts. Useful if a user does a check-in when their system clock is set incorrectly thus causing an incorrect timestamp to appear on the check-in artifact. You must run "fossil all rebuild" after upgrading to this or any later version of fossil from a prior version. by drh on 2009-08-21 16:25:30. [view]

@@ -916,14 +916,20 @@
         "REPLACE INTO event(type,mtime,objid,user,comment,"
-        "                  bgcolor,euser,ecomment)"
-        "VALUES('ci',%.17g,%d,%Q,%Q,"
-        " (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d AND tagtype>0),"
+                           "bgcolor,euser,ecomment)"
+        "VALUES('ci',"
+        "  coalesce("
+        "    (SELECT julianday(value) FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d),"
+        "    %.17g"
+        "  ),"
+        "  %d,%Q,%Q,"
+        "  (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d AND tagtype>0),"
         "  (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d),"
         "  (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d));",
-        m.rDate, rid, m.zUser, m.zComment,
+        TAG_DATE, rid, m.rDate,
+        rid, m.zUser, m.zComment,
         TAG_BGCOLOR, rid,
         TAG_USER, rid,
         TAG_COMMENT, rid