Not logged in

Differences From:

File src/setup.c part of check-in [dbda8d6ce9] - Initial check-in of m1 sources. by drh on 2007-07-21 14:10:57. [view]


File src/setup.c part of check-in [916b6e4b3b] - Improvements to web-based user management. by drh on 2007-07-21 19:32:06. [view]

@@ -78,48 +78,310 @@
 ** screen for that user.
 void setup_ulist(void){
   Stmt s;
+  style_footer();
-  if( !g.okSetup ){
+  if( !g.okWrite || g.isAnon ){
-  }
+    return;
+  }
+  style_submenu_element("Add", "Add User", "setup_uedit");
-  @ <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
-  db_prepare(&s, "SELECT uid, login, cap FROM repuser ORDER BY login");
+  @ <h2>List Of Users</h2>
+  @ <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
+  @ <tr>
+  @   <th align="right"><nobr>User ID</nobr></th>
+  @   <th>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Capabilities&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
+  @   <th><nobr>Contact Info</nobr></th>
+  @ </tr>
+  db_prepare(&s, "SELECT uid, login, cap, info FROM user ORDER BY login");
   while( db_step(&s)==SQLITE_ROW ){
-    @ <tr><td><a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/setup_uedit?uid=%d(db_column_int(&s,0))">
-    @ %h(db_column_text(&s,1))</a></td><td width="10"></td>
-    @ <td>%h(db_column_text(&s,2))</td></tr>
-  }
-  db_finalize(&s);
+    @ <tr>
+    @ <td align="right">
+    if( g.okAdmin ){
+      @ <a href="setup_uedit?id=%d(db_column_int(&s,0))">
+    }
+    @ <nobr>%h(db_column_text(&s,1))</nobr>
+    if( g.okAdmin ){
+      @ </a>
+    }
+    @ </td>
+    @ <td align="center">%s(db_column_text(&s,2))</td>
+    @ <td align="center">%s(db_column_text(&s,3))</td>
+    @ </tr>
+  }
+  @ </table>
+  @ <p><hr>
+  @ <b>Notes:</b>
+  @ <ol>
+  @ <li><p>The permission flags are as follows:</p>
+  @ <table>
+  @ <tr><td>a</td><td width="10"></td>
+  @     <td>Admin: Create or delete users and ticket report formats</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>d</td><td></td>
+  @     <td>Delete: Erase anonymous wiki, tickets, and attachments</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>i</td><td></td>
+  @     <td>Check-in: Add new code to the repository</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>j</td><td></td><td>Read-Wiki: View wiki pages</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>k</td><td></td><td>Wiki: Create or modify wiki pages</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>n</td><td></td><td>New: Create new tickets</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>o</td><td></td>
+  @     <td>Check-out: Read code out of the repository</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>p</td><td></td><td>Password: Change password</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>q</td><td></td><td>Query: Create or edit report formats</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>r</td><td></td><td>Read: View tickets and change histories</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>s</td><td></td><td>Setup: Change CVSTrac options</td></tr>
+  @ <tr><td>w</td><td></td><td>Write: Edit tickets</td></tr>
   @ </table>
+  @ </p></li>
+  @
+  @ <li><p>
+  @ If a user named "<b>anonymous</b>" exists, then anyone can access
+  @ the server without having to log in.  The permissions on the
+  @ anonymous user determine the access rights for anyone who is not
+  @ logged in.
+  @ </p></li>
+  @
+  @ </ol>
-** WEBPAGE: setup_uedit
-** Edit the user with REPUSER.UID equal to the "u" query parameter.
+** WEBPAGE: /setup_uedit
-void setup_uedit(void){
+void user_edit(void){
+  const char *zId, *zLogin, *zInfo, *zCap;
+  char *oaa, *oas, *oar, *oaw, *oan, *oai, *oaj, *oao, *oap ;
+  char *oak, *oad, *oaq;
+  int doWrite;
   int uid;
+  int higherUser = 0;  /* True if user being edited is SETUP and the */
+                       /* user doing the editing is ADMIN.  Disallow editing */
+  /* Must have ADMIN privleges to access this page
+  */
-  if( !g.okSetup ){
-    login_needed();
-  }
-  uid = atoi(PD("u","0"));
-  if( uid<=0 ){
+  if( !g.okAdmin ){ login_needed(); return; }
+  /* Check to see if an ADMIN user is trying to edit a SETUP account.
+  ** Don't allow that.
+  */
+  zId = PD("id", "0");
+  uid = atoi(zId);
+  if( zId && !g.okSetup && uid>0 ){
+    char *zOldCaps;
+    zOldCaps = db_text(0, "SELECT caps FROM user WHERE uid=%d",uid);
+    higherUser = zOldCaps && strchr(zOldCaps,'s');
+  }
+  if( P("can") ){
+    cgi_redirect("setup_ulist");
+    return;
+  }
+  /* If we have all the necessary information, write the new or
+  ** modified user record.  After writing the user record, redirect
+  ** to the page that displays a list of users.
+  */
+  doWrite = cgi_all("login","info","pw") && !higherUser;
+  if( doWrite ){
+    const char *zPw;
+    const char *zLogin;
+    char zCap[20];
+    int i = 0;
+    int aa = P("aa")!=0;
+    int ad = P("ad")!=0;
+    int ai = P("ai")!=0;
+    int aj = P("aj")!=0;
+    int ak = P("ak")!=0;
+    int an = P("an")!=0;
+    int ao = P("ao")!=0;
+    int ap = P("ap")!=0;
+    int aq = P("aq")!=0;
+    int ar = P("ar")!=0;
+    int as = g.okSetup && P("as")!=0;
+    int aw = P("aw")!=0;
+    if( as ) aa = 1;
+    if( aa ) ai = aw = ap = 1;
+    if( aw ) an = ar = 1;
+    if( ai ) ao = 1;
+    if( ak ) aj = 1;
+    if( aa ){ zCap[i++] = 'a'; }
+    if( ad ){ zCap[i++] = 'd'; }
+    if( ai ){ zCap[i++] = 'i'; }
+    if( aj ){ zCap[i++] = 'j'; }
+    if( ak ){ zCap[i++] = 'k'; }
+    if( an ){ zCap[i++] = 'n'; }
+    if( ao ){ zCap[i++] = 'o'; }
+    if( ap ){ zCap[i++] = 'p'; }
+    if( aq ){ zCap[i++] = 'q'; }
+    if( ar ){ zCap[i++] = 'r'; }
+    if( as ){ zCap[i++] = 's'; }
+    if( aw ){ zCap[i++] = 'w'; }
+    zCap[i] = 0;
+    zPw = P("pw");
+    if( zPw==0 || zPw[0]==0 ){
+      zPw = db_text(0, "SELECT pw FROM user WHERE uid=%d", uid);
+    }
+    zLogin = P("login");
+    if( uid>0 &&
+        db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE login=%Q AND uid!=%d", zLogin, uid)
+    ){
+      style_header();
+      @ <font color="red">Login "%h(zLogin)" is already used by a different
+      @ user.</font>
+      @
+      @ <p><a href="setup_uedit?id=%d(uid))>[Bummer]</a></p>
+      style_footer();
+      return;
+    }
+    db_multi_exec(
+       "REPLACE INTO user(uid,login,info,pw,cap) "
+       "VALUES(nullif(%d,0),%Q,%Q,%Q,'%s')",
+      uid, P("login"), P("info"), zPw, zCap
+    );
-    assert(0);
-  }
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Load the existing information about the user, if any
+  */
+  zLogin = "";
+  zInfo = "";
+  zCap = "";
+  oaa = oad = oai = oaj = oak = oan = oao = oap = oaq = oar = oas = oaw = "";
+  if( uid ){
+    zLogin = db_text("", "SELECT login FROM user WHERE uid=%d", uid);
+    zInfo = db_text("", "SELECT info FROM user WHERE uid=%d", uid);
+    zCap = db_text("", "SELECT cap FROM user WHERE uid=%d", uid);
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'a') ) oaa = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'd') ) oad = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'i') ) oai = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'j') ) oaj = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'k') ) oak = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'n') ) oan = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'o') ) oao = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'p') ) oap = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'q') ) oaq = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'r') ) oar = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 's') ) oas = " checked";
+    if( strchr(zCap, 'w') ) oaw = " checked";
+  }
+  /* Begin generating the page
+  */
+  style_submenu_element("Cancel", "Cancel", "setup_ulist");
+  if( uid ){
+    @ <h2>Edit User %h(zLogin)</h2>
+  }else{
+    @ <h2>Add A New User</h2>
+  }
+  @ <table align="left" hspace="20" vspace="10"><tr><td>
+  @ <form action="%s(g.zPath)" method="POST">
+  @ <table>
+  @ <tr>
+  @   <td align="right"><nobr>User ID:</nobr></td>
+  if( uid ){
+    @   <td>%d(uid) <input type="hidden" name="id" value="%d(uid)"></td>
+  }else{
+    @   <td>(new user)<input type="hidden" name="id" value=0></td>
+  }
+  @ </tr>
+  @ <tr>
+  @   <td align="right"><nobr>Login:</nobr></td>
+  @   <td><input type="text" name="login" value="%h(zLogin)"></td>
+  @ </tr>
+  @ <tr>
+  @   <td align="right"><nobr>Contact&nbsp;Info:</nobr></td>
+  @   <td><input type="text" name="info" size=40 value="%h(zInfo)"></td>
+  @ </tr>
+  @ <tr>
+  @   <td align="right" valign="top">Capabilities:</td>
+  @   <td>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="aa"%s(oaa)>Admin</input><br>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="ad"%s(oad)>Delete</input><br>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="ai"%s(oai)>Check-In</input><br>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="aj"%s(oaj)>Read Wiki</input><br>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="ak"%s(oak)>Write Wiki</input><br>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="an"%s(oan)>New Tkt</input><br>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="ao"%s(oao)>Check-Out</input><br>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="ap"%s(oap)>Password</input><br>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="aq"%s(oaq)>Query</input><br>
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="ar"%s(oar)>Read</input><br>
+  if( g.okSetup ){
+    @     <input type="checkbox" name="as"%s(oas)>Setup</input><br>
+  }
+  @     <input type="checkbox" name="aw"%s(oaw)>Write</input>
+  @   </td>
+  @ </tr>
+  @ <tr>
+  @   <td align="right">Password:</td>
+  @   <td><input type="password" name="pw" value=""></td>
+  @ </tr>
+  if( !higherUser ){
+    @ <tr>
+    @   <td>&nbsp</td>
+    @   <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Apply Changes">
+    @ </tr>
+  }
+  @ </table></td></tr></table>
+  @ <p><b>Notes:</b></p>
+  @ <ol>
+  if( higherUser ){
+    @ <li><p>
+    @ User %h(zId) has Setup privileges and you only have Admin privileges
+    @ so you are not permitted to make changes to %h(zId).
+    @ </p></li>
+    @
+  }
+  @ <li><p>
+  @ The <b>Read</b> and <b>Write</b> privileges give the user the ability
+  @ to read and write tickets.  The <b>New Tkt</b> capability means that
+  @ the user is able to create new tickets.
+  @ </p></li>
+  @
+  @ <li><p>
+  @ The <b>Delete</b> privilege give the user the ability to erase
+  @ wiki, tickets, and atttachments that have been added by anonymous
+  @ users.  This capability is intended for deletion of spam.
+  @ </p></li>
+  @
+  @ <li><p>
+  @ The <b>Query</b> privilege allows the user to create or edit
+  @ report formats by specifying appropriate SQL.  Users can run
+  @ existing reports without the Query privilege.
+  @ </p></li>
+  @
+  @ <li><p>
+  @ An <b>Admin</b> user can add other users, create new ticket report
+  @ formats, and change system defaults.  But only the <b>Setup</b> user
+  @ is able to change the repository to
+  @ which this program is linked.
+  @ </p></li>
+  @
+  if( zId==0 || strcmp(zId,"anonymous")==0 ){
+    @ <li><p>
+    @ No login is required for user "<b>anonymous</b>".  The capabilities
+    @ of this user are available to anyone without supplying a username or
+    @ password.  To disable anonymous access, make sure there is no user
+    @ with an ID of <b>anonymous</b>.
+    @ </p></li>
+    @
+    @ <li><p>
+    @ The password for the "<b>anonymous</b>" user is used for anonymous
+    @ access.  The recommended value for the anonymous password
+    @ is "anonymous".
+    @ </p></li>
+  }
+  @ </form>
 ** Generate a checkbox for an attribute.