@@ -1,639 +1,1 @@
-** Copyright (c) 2006 D. Richard Hipp
-** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-** License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-** License along with this library; if not, write to the
-** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-** Author contact information:
-** drh@hwaci.com
-** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/
-** This module codes the main() procedure that runs first when the
-** program is invoked.
-#include "config.h"
-#include "main.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-** Number of elements in an array
-#define count(X) (sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0]))
-** Size of a UUID in characters
-#define UUID_SIZE 40
-** All global variables are in this structure.
-struct Global {
- int argc; char **argv; /* Command-line arguments to the program */
- int isConst; /* True if the output is unchanging */
- sqlite3 *db; /* The connection to the databases */
- int configOpen; /* True if the config database is open */
- long long int now; /* Seconds since 1970 */
- int repositoryOpen; /* True if the main repository database is open */
- char *zRepositoryName; /* Name of the repository database */
- int localOpen; /* True if the local database is open */
- char *zLocalRoot; /* The directory holding the local database */
- int minPrefix; /* Number of digits needed for a distinct UUID */
- int fSqlTrace; /* True if -sqltrace flag is present */
- int fSqlPrint; /* True if -sqlprint flag is present */
- int fHttpTrace; /* Trace outbound HTTP requests */
- char *zPath; /* Name of webpage being served */
- char *zExtra; /* Extra path information past the webpage name */
- char *zBaseURL; /* Full text of the URL being served */
- const char *zContentType; /* The content type of the input HTTP request */
- int iErrPriority; /* Priority of current error message */
- char *zErrMsg; /* Text of an error message */
- Blob cgiIn; /* Input to an xfer www method */
- int cgiPanic; /* Write error messages to CGI */
- int *aCommitFile;
- int urlIsFile; /* True if a "file:" url */
- char *urlName; /* Hostname for http: or filename for file: */
- int urlPort; /* TCP port number for http: */
- char *urlPath; /* Pathname for http: */
- char *urlUser; /* User id for http: */
- char *urlPasswd; /* Password for http: */
- char *urlCanonical; /* Canonical representation of the URL */
- const char *zLogin; /* Login name. "" if not logged in. */
- int noPswd; /* Logged in without password (on */
- int userUid; /* Integer user id */
- /* Information used to populate the RCVFROM table */
- int rcvid; /* The rcvid. 0 if not yet defined. */
- char *zIpAddr; /* The remote IP address */
- char *zNonce; /* The nonce used for login */
- /* permissions used by the server */
- int okSetup; /* s: use Setup screens on web interface */
- int okAdmin; /* a: administrative permission */
- int okDelete; /* d: delete wiki or tickets */
- int okPassword; /* p: change password */
- int okQuery; /* q: create new reports */
- int okWrite; /* i: xfer inbound. checkin */
- int okRead; /* o: xfer outbound. checkout */
- int okHistory; /* h: access historical information. */
- int okClone; /* g: clone */
- int okRdWiki; /* j: view wiki via web */
- int okNewWiki; /* f: create new wiki via web */
- int okApndWiki; /* m: append to wiki via web */
- int okWrWiki; /* k: edit wiki via web */
- int okRdTkt; /* r: view tickets via web */
- int okNewTkt; /* n: create new tickets */
- int okApndTkt; /* c: append to tickets via the web */
- int okWrTkt; /* w: make changes to tickets via web */
- FILE *fDebug; /* Write debug information here, if the file exists */
-** Macro for debugging:
-#define CGIDEBUG(X) if( g.fDebug ) cgi_debug X
-Global g;
-** The table of web pages supported by this application is generated
-** automatically by the "mkindex" program and written into a file
-** named "page_index.h". We include that file here to get access
-** to the table.
-#include "page_index.h"
-** Search for a function whose name matches zName. Write a pointer to
-** that function into *pxFunc and return 0. If no match is found,
-** return 1. If the command is ambiguous return 2;
-** The NameMap structure and the tables we are searching against are
-** defined in the page_index.h header file which is automatically
-** generated by mkindex.c program.
-static int name_search(
- const char *zName, /* The name we are looking for */
- const NameMap *aMap, /* Search in this array */
- int nMap, /* Number of slots in aMap[] */
- int *pIndex /* OUT: The index in aMap[] of the match */
- int upr, lwr, cnt, m, i;
- int n = strlen(zName);
- lwr = 0;
- upr = nMap-1;
- while( lwr<=upr ){
- int mid, c;
- mid = (upr+lwr)/2;
- c = strcmp(zName, aMap[mid].zName);
- if( c==0 ){
- *pIndex = mid;
- return 0;
- }else if( c<0 ){
- upr = mid - 1;
- }else{
- lwr = mid + 1;
- }
- }
- for(m=cnt=0, i=upr-2; i<=upr+3 && i<nMap; i++){
- if( i<0 ) continue;
- if( strncmp(zName, aMap[i].zName, n)==0 ){
- m = i;
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- if( cnt==1 ){
- *pIndex = m;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1+(cnt>1);
-** This procedure runs first.
-int main(int argc, char **argv){
- const char *zCmdName;
- int idx;
- int rc;
- g.now = time(0);
- g.argc = argc;
- g.argv = argv;
- if( getenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE")!=0 ){
- zCmdName = "cgi";
- }else if( argc<2 ){
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s COMMAND ...\n", argv[0]);
- exit(1);
- }else{
- g.fSqlTrace = find_option("sqltrace", 0, 0)!=0;
- g.fSqlPrint = find_option("sqlprint", 0, 0)!=0;
- g.fHttpTrace = find_option("httptrace", 0, 0)!=0;
- g.zLogin = find_option("user", "U", 1);
- zCmdName = argv[1];
- }
- rc = name_search(zCmdName, aCommand, count(aCommand), &idx);
- if( rc==1 ){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: unknown command: %s\n"
- "%s: use \"commands\" or \"test-commands\" for help\n",
- argv[0], zCmdName, argv[0]);
- return 1;
- }else if( rc==2 ){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: ambiguous command prefix: %s\n"
- "%s: use \"commands\" or \"test-commands\" for help\n",
- argv[0], zCmdName, argv[0]);
- return 1;
- }
- aCommand[idx].xFunc();
- return 0;
-** Print an error message, rollback all databases, and quit.
-void fossil_panic(const char *zFormat, ...){
- char *z;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, zFormat);
- z = vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- if( g.cgiPanic ){
- g.cgiPanic = 0;
- cgi_printf("<p><font color=\"red\">%h</font></p>", z);
- style_footer();
- cgi_reply();
- }else{
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", g.argv[0], z);
- }
- db_force_rollback();
- exit(1);
-void fossil_fatal(const char *zFormat, ...){
- char *z;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, zFormat);
- z = vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- if( g.cgiPanic ){
- g.cgiPanic = 0;
- cgi_printf("<p><font color=\"red\">%h</font></p>", z);
- style_footer();
- cgi_reply();
- }else{
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", g.argv[0], z);
- }
- db_force_rollback();
- exit(1);
-** Print a usage comment and quit
-void usage(const char *zFormat){
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s %s\n", g.argv[0], g.argv[1], zFormat);
- exit(1);
-** Remove n elements from g.argv beginning with the i-th element.
-static void remove_from_argv(int i, int n){
- int j;
- for(j=i+n; j<g.argc; i++, j++){
- g.argv[i] = g.argv[j];
- }
- g.argc = i;
-** Look for a command-line option. If present, return a pointer.
-** Return NULL if missing.
-** hasArg==0 means the option is a flag. It is either present or not.
-** hasArg==1 means the option has an argument. Return a pointer to the
-** argument.
-const char *find_option(const char *zLong, const char *zShort, int hasArg){
- int i;
- const char *zReturn = 0;
- assert( hasArg==0 || hasArg==1 );
- for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
- char *z = g.argv[i];
- if( z[0]!='-' ) continue;
- z++;
- if( z[0]=='-' ){
- if( z[1]==0 ){
- remove_from_argv(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- z++;
- }
- if( strcmp(z,zLong)==0 || (zShort!=0 && strcmp(z,zShort)==0) ){
- zReturn = g.argv[i+hasArg];
- remove_from_argv(i, 1+hasArg);
- break;
- }
- }
- return zReturn;
-** Verify that there are no processed command-line options. If
-** Any remaining command-line argument begins with "-" print
-** an error message and quit.
-void verify_all_options(void){
- int i;
- for(i=1; i<g.argc; i++){
- if( g.argv[i][0]=='-' ){
- fossil_fatal("unrecognized command-line option: %s", g.argv[i]);
- }
- }
-** Print a list of words in multiple columns.
-static void multi_column_list(const char **azWord, int nWord){
- int i, j, len;
- int mxLen = 0;
- int nCol;
- int nRow;
- for(i=0; i<nWord; i++){
- len = strlen(azWord[i]);
- if( len>mxLen ) mxLen = len;
- }
- nCol = 80/(mxLen+2);
- if( nCol==0 ) nCol = 1;
- nRow = (nWord + nCol - 1)/nCol;
- for(i=0; i<nRow; i++){
- const char *zSpacer = "";
- for(j=i; j<nWord; j+=nRow){
- printf("%s%-*s", zSpacer, mxLen, azWord[j]);
- zSpacer = " ";
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
-** COMMAND: commands
-** Usage: %fossil commands
-** List all supported commands.
-void cmd_cmd_list(void){
- int i, nCmd;
- const char *aCmd[count(aCommand)];
- for(i=nCmd=0; i<count(aCommand); i++){
- if( strncmp(aCommand[i].zName,"test",4)==0 ) continue;
- /* if( strcmp(aCommand[i].zName, g.argv[1])==0 ) continue; */
- aCmd[nCmd++] = aCommand[i].zName;
- }
- multi_column_list(aCmd, nCmd);
-** COMMAND: test-commands
-** Usage: %fossil test-commands
-** List all commands used for testing and debugging.
-void cmd_test_cmd_list(void){
- int i, nCmd;
- const char *aCmd[count(aCommand)];
- for(i=nCmd=0; i<count(aCommand); i++){
- if( strncmp(aCommand[i].zName,"test",4)!=0 ) continue;
- /* if( strcmp(aCommand[i].zName, g.argv[1])==0 ) continue; */
- aCmd[nCmd++] = aCommand[i].zName;
- }
- multi_column_list(aCmd, nCmd);
-** COMMAND: help
-** Usage: %fossil help COMMAND
-** Display information on how to use COMMAND
-void help_cmd(void){
- int rc, idx;
- const char *z;
- if( g.argc!=3 ){
- printf("Usage: %s help COMMAND.\nAvailable COMMANDs:\n", g.argv[0]);
- cmd_cmd_list();
- return;
- }
- rc = name_search(g.argv[2], aCommand, count(aCommand), &idx);
- if( rc==1 ){
- fossil_fatal("unknown command: %s", g.argv[2]);
- }else if( rc==2 ){
- fossil_fatal("ambiguous command prefix: %s", g.argv[2]);
- }
- z = aCmdHelp[idx];
- if( z==0 ){
- fossil_fatal("no help available for the %s command",
- aCommand[idx].zName);
- }
- while( *z ){
- if( *z=='%' && strncmp(z, "%fossil", 7)==0 ){
- printf("%s", g.argv[0]);
- z += 7;
- }else{
- putchar(*z);
- z++;
- }
- }
- putchar('\n');
-** RSS feeds need to reference absolute URLs so we need to calculate
-** the base URL onto which we add components. This is basically
-** cgi_redirect() stripped down and always returning an absolute URL.
-static char *get_base_url(void){
- int i;
- const char *zHost = PD("HTTP_HOST","");
- const char *zMode = PD("HTTPS","off");
- const char *zCur = PD("REQUEST_URI","/");
- for(i=0; zCur[i] && zCur[i]!='?' && zCur[i]!='#'; i++){}
- if( g.zExtra ){
- /* Skip to start of extra stuff, then pass over any /'s that might
- ** have separated the document root from the extra stuff. This
- ** ensures that the redirection actually redirects the root, not
- ** something deep down at the bottom of a URL.
- */
- i -= strlen(g.zExtra);
- while( i>0 && zCur[i-1]=='/' ){ i--; }
- }
- while( i>0 && zCur[i-1]!='/' ){ i--; }
- while( i>0 && zCur[i-1]=='/' ){ i--; }
- if( strcmp(zMode,"on")==0 ){
- return mprintf("https://%s%.*s", zHost, i, zCur);
- }
- return mprintf("http://%s%.*s", zHost, i, zCur);
-** Preconditions:
-** * Environment various are set up according to the CGI standard.
-** * The respository database has been located and opened.
-** Process the webpage specified by the PATH_INFO or REQUEST_URI
-** environment variable.
-static void process_one_web_page(void){
- const char *zPathInfo;
- char *zPath;
- int idx;
- int i, j;
- /* Find the page that the user has requested, construct and deliver that
- ** page.
- */
- zPathInfo = P("PATH_INFO");
- if( zPathInfo==0 || zPathInfo[0]==0 ){
- const char *zUri;
- char *zBase;
- zUri = PD("REQUEST_URI","/");
- for(i=0; zUri[i] && zUri[i]!='?' && zUri[i]!='#'; i++){}
- for(j=i; j>0 && zUri[j-1]!='/'; j--){}
- zBase = mprintf("%.*s/index", i-j, &zUri[j]);
- cgi_redirect(zBase);
- cgi_reply();
- return;
- }else{
- zPath = mprintf("%s", zPathInfo);
- }
- /* Remove the leading "/" at the beginning of the path.
- */
- g.zPath = &zPath[1];
- for(i=1; zPath[i] && zPath[i]!='/'; i++){}
- if( zPath[i]=='/' ){
- zPath[i] = 0;
- g.zExtra = &zPath[i+1];
- /* CGI parameters get this treatment elsewhere, but places like getfile
- ** will use g.zExtra directly.
- */
- dehttpize(g.zExtra);
- }else{
- g.zExtra = 0;
- }
- g.zBaseURL = get_base_url();
- /* Prevent robots from indexing this site.
- */
- if( strcmp(g.zPath, "robots.txt")==0 ){
- cgi_set_content_type("text/plain");
- @ User-agent: *
- @ Disallow: /
- cgi_reply();
- exit(0);
- }
- /* Locate the method specified by the path and execute the function
- ** that implements that method.
- */
- if( name_search(g.zPath, aWebpage, count(aWebpage), &idx) &&
- name_search("not_found", aWebpage, count(aWebpage), &idx) ){
- cgi_set_status(404,"Not Found");
- @ <h1>Not Found</h1>
- @ <p>Page not found: %h(g.zPath)</p>
- }else{
- aWebpage[idx].xFunc();
- }
- /* Return the result.
- */
- cgi_reply();
-** COMMAND: cgi
-** Usage: %fossil ?cgi? SCRIPT
-** The SCRIPT argument is the name of a file that is the CGI script
-** that is being run. The command name, "cgi", may be omitted if
-** the GATEWAY_INTERFACE environment variable is set to "CGI" (which
-** should always be the case for CGI scripts run by a webserver.) The
-** SCRIPT file should look something like this:
-** #!/usr/bin/fossil
-** repository: /home/somebody/project.db
-** The second line defines the name of the repository. After locating
-** the repository, fossil will generate a webpage on stdout based on
-** the values of standard CGI environment variables.
-void cmd_cgi(void){
- const char *zFile;
- Blob config, line, key, value;
- if( g.argc==3 && strcmp(g.argv[1],"cgi")==0 ){
- zFile = g.argv[2];
- }else{
- zFile = g.argv[1];
- }
- g.cgiPanic = 1;
- blob_read_from_file(&config, zFile);
- while( blob_line(&config, &line) ){
- if( !blob_token(&line, &key) ) continue;
- if( blob_buffer(&key)[0]=='#' ) continue;
- if( blob_eq(&key, "debug:") && blob_token(&line, &value) ){
- g.fDebug = fopen(blob_str(&value), "a");
- blob_reset(&value);
- continue;
- }
- if( blob_eq(&key, "HOME:") && blob_token(&line, &value) ){
- cgi_setenv("HOME", blob_str(&value));
- blob_reset(&value);
- continue;
- }
- if( blob_eq(&key, "repository:") && blob_token(&line, &value) ){
- db_open_repository(blob_str(&value));
- blob_reset(&value);
- blob_reset(&config);
- break;
- }
- }
- if( g.db==0 ){
- cgi_panic("Unable to find or open the project repository");
- }
- cgi_init();
- process_one_web_page();
-** COMMAND: http
-** Usage: %fossil http REPOSITORY
-** Handle a single HTTP request appearing on stdin. The resulting webpage
-** is delivered on stdout. This method is used to launch an HTTP request
-** handler from inetd, for example. The argument is the name of the
-** repository.
-void cmd_http(void){
- if( g.argc!=2 && g.argc!=3 ){
- cgi_panic("no repository specified");
- }
- g.cgiPanic = 1;
- if( g.argc==3 ){
- db_open_repository(g.argv[2]);
- }else{
- db_must_be_within_tree();
- }
- cgi_handle_http_request();
- process_one_web_page();
-** COMMAND: server
-** Usage: %fossil server ?-P|--port TCPPORT? ?REPOSITORY?
-** Open a socket and begin listening and responding to HTTP requests on
-** TCP port 8080, or on any other TCP port defined by the -P or
-** --port option. The optional argument is the name of the repository.
-** The repository argument may be omitted if the working directory is
-** within an open checkout.
-void cmd_webserver(void){
- int iPort;
- const char *zPort;
- zPort = find_option("port", "P", 1);
- if( zPort ){
- iPort = atoi(zPort);
- }else{
- iPort = 8080;
- }
- if( g.argc!=2 && g.argc!=3 ) usage("?REPOSITORY?");
- if( g.argc==2 ){
- db_must_be_within_tree();
- db_close();
- }
- cgi_http_server(iPort);
- if( g.fHttpTrace ){
- fprintf(stderr, "====== SERVER pid %d =======\n", getpid());
- }
- g.cgiPanic = 1;
- if( g.argc==2 ){
- db_must_be_within_tree();
- }else{
- db_open_repository(g.argv[2]);
- }
- cgi_handle_http_request();
- process_one_web_page();