Not logged in

Differences From:

File src/login.c part of check-in [22c1ac41d4] - Add separate "clone" permissions. Previously, one needed "History" premission in order to clone. But sometimes we want to grant clone without granting history. by drh on 2007-08-23 19:52:19. [view]


File src/login.c part of check-in [d2b4469934] - Append the pathname to the login cookie name so that separate cookies are used for each server. by drh on 2007-11-21 13:52:26. Also file src/login.c part of check-in [d0305b305a] - Merged mainline into my branch to get the newest application. by aku on 2007-12-05 08:07:46. [view]

@@ -45,15 +45,27 @@
 ** has ever existed, and things like that.
 #include "config.h"
 #include "login.h"
+#ifdef __MINGW32__
+#  include <windows.h>           /* for Sleep */
+#  define sleep Sleep            /* windows does not have sleep, but Sleep */
 #include <time.h>
 ** Return the name of the login cookie
 static char *login_cookie_name(void){
-  return "fossil_login";
+  static char *zCookieName = 0;
+  if( zCookieName==0 ){
+    int n = strlen(g.zTop);
+    zCookieName = malloc( n*2+16 );
+                      /* 0123456789 12345 */
+    strcpy(zCookieName, "fossil_login_");
+    encode16((unsigned char*)g.zTop, (unsigned char*)&zCookieName[13], n);
+  }
+  return zCookieName;
 ** WEBPAGE: /login
@@ -225,10 +237,9 @@
   ** local login is disabled, then there is no need to check
   ** user credentials.
   zRemoteAddr = PD("REMOTE_ADDR","nil");
-  if( strcmp(zRemoteAddr, "")==0
-        && db_get_int("authenticate-localhost",1)==0 ){
+  if( strcmp(zRemoteAddr, "")==0 && db_get_int("localauth",0)==0 ){
     uid = db_int(0, "SELECT uid FROM user WHERE cap LIKE '%%s%%'");
     g.zLogin = db_text("?", "SELECT login FROM user WHERE uid=%d", uid);
     zCap = "s";
     g.noPswd = 1;
@@ -285,12 +296,13 @@
 void login_set_capabilities(const char *zCap){
   int i;
   for(i=0; zCap[i]; i++){
     switch( zCap[i] ){
-      case 's':   g.okSetup = g.okDelete = 1;
+      case 's':   g.okSetup = 1;
       case 'a':   g.okAdmin = g.okRdTkt = g.okWrTkt = g.okQuery =
-                              g.okRdWiki = g.okWrWiki = g.okHistory =
-                              g.okNewTkt = g.okPassword = g.okClone = 1;
+                              g.okRdWiki = g.okWrWiki = g.okNewWiki =
+                              g.okApndWiki = g.okHistory = g.okClone =
+                              g.okNewTkt = g.okPassword = g.okRdAddr = 1;
       case 'i':   g.okRead = g.okWrite = 1;                     break;
       case 'o':   g.okRead = 1;                                 break;
       case 'd':   g.okDelete = 1;                               break;
@@ -303,15 +315,51 @@
       case 'k':   g.okWrWiki = g.okRdWiki = g.okApndWiki =1;    break;
       case 'm':   g.okApndWiki = 1;                             break;
       case 'f':   g.okNewWiki = 1;                              break;
+      case 'e':   g.okRdAddr = 1;                               break;
       case 'r':   g.okRdTkt = 1;                                break;
       case 'n':   g.okNewTkt = 1;                               break;
       case 'w':   g.okWrTkt = g.okRdTkt = g.okNewTkt =
                   g.okApndTkt = 1;                              break;
       case 'c':   g.okApndTkt = 1;                              break;
+** If the current login lacks any of the capabilities listed in
+** the input, then return 0.  If all capabilities are present, then
+** return 1.
+int login_has_capability(const char *zCap, int nCap){
+  int i;
+  int rc = 1;
+  if( nCap<0 ) nCap = strlen(zCap);
+  for(i=0; i<nCap && rc && zCap[i]; i++){
+    switch( zCap[i] ){
+      case 'a':  rc = g.okAdmin;     break;
+      case 'c':  rc = g.okApndTkt;   break;
+      case 'd':  rc = g.okDelete;    break;
+      case 'e':  rc = g.okRdAddr;    break;
+      case 'f':  rc = g.okNewWiki;   break;
+      case 'g':  rc = g.okClone;     break;
+      case 'h':  rc = g.okHistory;   break;
+      case 'i':  rc = g.okWrite;     break;
+      case 'j':  rc = g.okRdWiki;    break;
+      case 'k':  rc = g.okWrWiki;    break;
+      case 'm':  rc = g.okApndWiki;  break;
+      case 'n':  rc = g.okNewTkt;    break;
+      case 'o':  rc = g.okRead;      break;
+      case 'p':  rc = g.okPassword;  break;
+      case 'q':  rc = g.okQuery;     break;
+      case 'r':  rc = g.okRdTkt;     break;
+      case 's':  rc = g.okSetup;     break;
+      case 'w':  rc = g.okWrTkt;     break;
+      default:   rc = 0;             break;
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;
 ** Call this routine when the credential check fails.  It causes