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File src/main.mk part of check-in [c699c491df] - fixed Makefile dependency orderings so parallel compilation (e.g. make -j2) can work (cuts my build times in half) by stephan on 2008-09-19 15:36:57. [view]


File src/main.mk part of check-in [d2ae873e9e] - fixed deps problem created by my last checkin. Now builds properly in non-parallel mode by stephan on 2008-09-21 19:00:11. [view]

@@ -252,9 +252,9 @@
 	rm -f *.o *_.c $(APPNAME) VERSION.h
 	rm -f translate makeheaders mkindex page_index.h headers
 	rm -f add.h admin.h bag.h blob.h branch.h browse.h cgi.h checkin.h checkout.h clearsign.h clone.h comformat.h configure.h construct.h content.h db.h delta.h deltacmd.h descendants.h diff.h diffcmd.h doc.h encode.h file.h http.h info.h login.h main.h manifest.h md5.h merge.h merge3.h my_page.h name.h pivot.h pqueue.h printf.h rebuild.h report.h rss.h schema.h setup.h sha1.h shun.h stat.h style.h sync.h tag.h tagview.h th_main.h timeline.h tkt.h tktsetup.h undo.h update.h url.h user.h verify.h vfile.h wiki.h wikiformat.h winhttp.h xfer.h zip.h
-page_index.h: mkindex
+page_index.h: $(TRANS_SRC) mkindex
 	./mkindex $(TRANS_SRC) >$@
 headers:	page_index.h makeheaders $(TRANS_SRC) VERSION.h
 	./makeheaders  add_.c:add.h admin_.c:admin.h bag_.c:bag.h blob_.c:blob.h branch_.c:branch.h browse_.c:browse.h cgi_.c:cgi.h checkin_.c:checkin.h checkout_.c:checkout.h clearsign_.c:clearsign.h clone_.c:clone.h comformat_.c:comformat.h configure_.c:configure.h construct_.c:construct.h content_.c:content.h db_.c:db.h delta_.c:delta.h deltacmd_.c:deltacmd.h descendants_.c:descendants.h diff_.c:diff.h diffcmd_.c:diffcmd.h doc_.c:doc.h encode_.c:encode.h file_.c:file.h http_.c:http.h info_.c:info.h login_.c:login.h main_.c:main.h manifest_.c:manifest.h md5_.c:md5.h merge_.c:merge.h merge3_.c:merge3.h my_page_.c:my_page.h name_.c:name.h pivot_.c:pivot.h pqueue_.c:pqueue.h printf_.c:printf.h rebuild_.c:rebuild.h report_.c:report.h rss_.c:rss.h schema_.c:schema.h setup_.c:setup.h sha1_.c:sha1.h shun_.c:shun.h stat_.c:stat.h style_.c:style.h sync_.c:sync.h tag_.c:tag.h tagview_.c:tagview.h th_main_.c:th_main.h timeline_.c:timeline.h tkt_.c:tkt.h tktsetup_.c:tktsetup.h undo_.c:undo.h update_.c:update.h url_.c:url.h user_.c:user.h verify_.c:verify.h vfile_.c:vfile.h wiki_.c:wiki.h wikiformat_.c:wikiformat.h winhttp_.c:winhttp.h xfer_.c:xfer.h zip_.c:zip.h $(SRCDIR)/sqlite3.h $(SRCDIR)/th.h VERSION.h
 	touch headers