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Differences From:

File src/branch.c part of check-in [f6d3d89e76] - Disable the "branch" command pending further discussion and clarification of its purpose and intent. by drh on 2008-07-25 12:30:37. [view]


File src/branch.c part of check-in [b6e22e62cf] - Attempting to rationalize the tagging and branching logic. The "branch" command has been resurrected and appears to work now. The "tag branch" command has been removed. Special tags "newbranch" and "closed" used to manage branches. New changes are not well-tested - use with caution. You must "rebuild" when upgrading through this version. by drh on 2009-01-20 16:51:19. [view]

@@ -26,88 +26,120 @@
 #include "config.h"
 #include "branch.h"
 #include <assert.h>
+**  fossil branch new    BRANCH-NAME ?ORIGIN-CHECK-IN? ?-bgcolor COLOR?
+**  argv0  argv1  argv2  argv3       argv4
 void branch_new(void){
-  int vid, nvid, noSign;
-  Stmt q;
-  char *zBranch, *zUuid, *zDate, *zComment;
-  const char *zColor;
-  Blob manifest;
-  Blob mcksum;           /* Self-checksum on the manifest */
-  Blob cksum1, cksum2;   /* Before and after commit checksums */
-  Blob cksum1b;          /* Checksum recorded in the manifest */
+  int rootid;            /* RID of the root check-in - what we branch off of */
+  int brid;              /* RID of the branch check-in */
+  int noSign;            /* True if the branch is unsigned */
+  int i;                 /* Loop counter */
+  char *zUuid;           /* Artifact ID of origin */
+  Stmt q;                /* Generic query */
+  const char *zBranch;   /* Name of the new branch */
+  char *zDate;           /* Date that branch was created */
+  char *zComment;        /* Check-in comment for the new branch */
+  const char *zColor;    /* Color of the new branch */
+  Blob branch;           /* manifest for the new branch */
+  Blob parent;           /* root check-in manifest */
+  Manifest mParent;      /* Parsed parent manifest */
+  Blob mcksum;           /* Self-checksum on the manifest */
   noSign = find_option("nosign","",0)!=0;
-  db_must_be_within_tree();
-  noSign = db_get_int("omitsign", 0)|noSign;
-  zColor = find_option("bgcolor","c",1);
+  zColor = find_option("bgcolor","c",1);
-  /* fossil branch new name */
   if( g.argc<3 ){
-    usage("branch new ?-bgcolor COLOR? BRANCH-NAME");
-  }
+    usage("branch new BRANCH-NAME ?ROOT-CHECK-IN? ?-bgcolor COLOR?");
+  }
+  db_find_and_open_repository(1);
+  noSign = db_get_int("omitsign", 0)|noSign;
+  /* fossil branch new name */
   zBranch = g.argv[3];
   if( zBranch==0 || zBranch[0]==0 ){
     fossil_panic("branch name cannot be empty");
+  if( db_exists(
+        "SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"
+        " WHERE tagtype>0"
+        "   AND tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname='sym-%s')",
+        zBranch)!=0 ){
+    fossil_fatal("branch \"%s\" already exists", zBranch);
+  }
-  if( unsaved_changes() ){
-    fossil_panic("there are uncommitted changes. please commit first");
+  if( g.argc<5 ){
+    if( unsaved_changes() ){
+      fossil_fatal("there are uncommitted changes. please commit first");
+    }
+    rootid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
+  }else{
+    rootid = name_to_rid(g.argv[4]);
+  }
+  if( rootid==0 ){
+    fossil_fatal("unable to locate check-in off of which to branch");
-  vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
-  vfile_aggregate_checksum_disk(vid, &cksum1);
-  /* Create our new manifest */
-  blob_zero(&manifest);
-  zComment = mprintf("Branch created %s", zBranch);
-  blob_appendf(&manifest, "C %F\n", zComment);
+  /* Create a manifest for the new branch */
+  blob_zero(&branch);
+  zComment = mprintf("Create new branch named \"%h\"", zBranch);
+  blob_appendf(&branch, "C %F\n", zComment);
   zDate = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime('now')");
   zDate[10] = 'T';
-  blob_appendf(&manifest, "D %s\n", zDate);
+  blob_appendf(&branch, "D %s\n", zDate);
-  db_prepare(&q,
-    "SELECT pathname, uuid FROM vfile JOIN blob ON vfile.mrid=blob.rid"
-    " WHERE NOT deleted AND vfile.vid=%d"
-    " ORDER BY 1", vid);
-  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
-    const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
-    const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q, 1);
-    blob_appendf(&manifest, "F %F %s\n", zName, zUuid);
+  /* Copy all of the content from the parent into the branch */
+  content_get(rootid, &parent);
+  manifest_parse(&mParent, &parent);
+  if( mParent.type!=CFTYPE_MANIFEST ){
+    fossil_fatal("%s is not a valid check-in", g.argv[4]);
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<mParent.nFile; ++i){
+    if( mParent.aFile[i].zPerm[0] ){
+      blob_appendf(&branch, "F %F %s %s\n",
+                   mParent.aFile[i].zName,
+                   mParent.aFile[i].zUuid,
+                   mParent.aFile[i].zPerm);
+    }else{
+      blob_appendf(&branch, "F %F %s\n",
+                   mParent.aFile[i].zName,
+                   mParent.aFile[i].zUuid);
+    }
-  db_finalize(&q);
-  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", vid);
-  blob_appendf(&manifest, "P %s\n", zUuid);
-  blob_appendf(&manifest, "R %b\n", &cksum1);
+  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rootid);
+  blob_appendf(&branch, "P %s\n", zUuid);
+  blob_appendf(&branch, "R %s\n", mParent.zRepoCksum);
+  manifest_clear(&mParent);
+  /* Add the symbolic branch name and the "newbranch" tag to identify
+  ** this as a new branch */
   if( zColor!=0 ){
-    blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *bgcolor * %F\n", zColor);
-    blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *sym-%F *\n", zBranch);
-  }else{
-    blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *sym-%F *\n", zBranch);
+    blob_appendf(&branch, "T *bgcolor * %F\n", zColor);
+  blob_appendf(&branch, "T *sym-%F *\n", zBranch);
+  blob_appendf(&branch, "T +newbranch *\n");
-  /* Cancel any tags that propagate */
+  /* Cancel all other symbolic tags */
-      "SELECT tagname"
-      "  FROM tagxref JOIN tag ON tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid"
-      " WHERE rid=%d AND tagtype=2", vid);
+      "SELECT tagname FROM tagxref, tag"
+      " WHERE tagxref.rid=%d AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid"
+      "   AND tagtype>0 AND tagname GLOB 'sym-*'"
+      " ORDER BY tagname",
+      rootid);
   while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
-    const char *zTagname = db_column_text(&q, 0);
-    blob_appendf(&manifest, "T -%s *\n", zTagname);
+    const char *zTag = db_column_text(&q, 0);
+    blob_appendf(&branch, "T -%s *\n", zTag);
-  blob_appendf(&manifest, "U %F\n", g.zLogin);
-  md5sum_blob(&manifest, &mcksum);
-  blob_appendf(&manifest, "Z %b\n", &mcksum);
-  if( !noSign && clearsign(&manifest, &manifest) ){
+  blob_appendf(&branch, "U %F\n", g.zLogin);
+  md5sum_blob(&branch, &mcksum);
+  blob_appendf(&branch, "Z %b\n", &mcksum);
+  if( !noSign && clearsign(&branch, &branch) ){
     Blob ans;
     prompt_user("unable to sign manifest.  continue [y/N]? ", &ans);
     if( blob_str(&ans)[0]!='y' ){
@@ -115,42 +147,30 @@
-  /*blob_write_to_file(&manifest, "manifest.new");*/
-  nvid = content_put(&manifest, 0, 0);
-  if( nvid==0 ){
+  brid = content_put(&branch, 0, 0);
+  if( brid==0 ){
     fossil_panic("trouble committing manifest: %s", g.zErrMsg);
-  db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO unsent VALUES(%d)", nvid);
-  manifest_crosslink(nvid, &manifest);
-  content_deltify(vid, nvid, 0);
-  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", nvid);
-  printf("Branch Version: %s\n", zUuid);
-  printf("\n");
-  printf("Notice: working copy not updated to the new branch. If\n");
-  printf("        you wish to work on the new branch, update to\n");
-  printf("        that branch first:\n");
-  printf("\n");
-  printf("        fossil update %s\n", zBranch);
-  /* Verify that the manifest checksum matches the expected checksum */
-  vfile_aggregate_checksum_repository(nvid, &cksum2);
-  vfile_aggregate_checksum_manifest(nvid, &cksum2, &cksum1b);
-  if( blob_compare(&cksum1, &cksum1b) ){
-    fossil_panic("manifest checksum does not agree with manifest: "
-                 "%b versus %b", &cksum1, &cksum1b);
+  db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO unsent VALUES(%d)", brid);
+  if( manifest_crosslink(brid, &branch)==0 ){
+    fossil_panic("unable to install new manifest");
+  }
+  content_deltify(rootid, brid, 0);
+  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", brid);
+  printf("New branch: %s\n", zUuid);
+  if( g.argc==3 ){
+    printf(
+      "\n"
+      "Note: the local check-out has not been updated to the new\n"
+      "      branch.  To begin working on the new branch, do this:\n"
+      "\n"
+      "      %s update %s\n",
+      g.argv[0], zBranch
+    );
-  /* Verify that the commit did not modify any disk images. */
-  vfile_aggregate_checksum_disk(vid, &cksum2);
-  if( blob_compare(&cksum1, &cksum2) ){
-    fossil_panic("tree checksums before and after commit do not match");
-  }
-  /* Clear the undo/redo stack */
-  undo_reset();
   /* Commit */
@@ -158,19 +178,16 @@
-** NB: The "branch" command is disabled pending further discussion of its
-** purpose and usefulness....
-** COM MAND: branch
+** COMMAND: branch
 ** Usage: %fossil branch SUBCOMMAND ... ?-R|--repository FILE?
 ** Run various subcommands on the branches of the open repository or
 ** of the repository identified by the -R or --repository option.
-**    %fossil branch new ?-bgcolor COLOR? BRANCH-NAME
+**    %fossil branch new BRANCH-NAME ?ROOT-CHECK-IN? ?-bgcolor COLOR?
 **        Create a new branch BRANCH-NAME. You can optionally give
 **        a commit message and branch color.