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File src/style.c part of check-in [f8831f447a] - Allow Admin user to changes user information. Add a "User" link on the main menu for Admin users. by drh on 2008-07-19 16:03:02. [view]


File src/style.c part of check-in [a55a0a49a3] - Merge mainline into tagview branch by eric on 2008-09-06 13:16:08. Also file src/style.c part of check-in [5fb14b9a0f] - Include non-sym- tags in tagview web page. Also merge mainline into tagview branch. by eric on 2008-08-21 20:59:01. Also file src/style.c part of check-in [8745d0d579] - Merge tagview branch into mainline by eric on 2008-09-06 13:29:29. [view]

@@ -327,8 +327,14 @@
 @   text-align: right;
 @   background-color: #558195;
 @   color: white;
 @ }
+@ /* Make the links in the footer less ugly... */
+@ div.footer a { color: white; }
+@ div.footer a:link { color: white; }
+@ div.footer a:visited { color: white; }
+@ div.footer a:hover { background-color: white; color: #558195; }
 @ /* <verbatim> blocks */
 @ pre.verbatim {
 @    background-color: #f5f5f5;