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Differences From:

File src/manifest.c part of check-in [a48474bc75] - Improvements to the shunning algorithm. Add the shun page and an opportunity to shun or unshun artifacts in the artifact viewer. by drh on 2008-05-29 01:58:15. [view]


File src/manifest.c part of check-in [b3ee50c946] - Implement history display for tickets. by drh on 2008-07-15 19:03:42. [view]

@@ -894,22 +894,52 @@
   if( m.type==CFTYPE_TICKET ){
     char *zTag;
-    char *zComment;
+    Blob comment;
+    int i;
     ticket_insert(&m, 1, 1);
     zTag = mprintf("tkt-%s", m.zTicketUuid);
     tag_insert(zTag, 1, 0, rid, m.rDate, rid);
-    zComment = mprintf("Changes to ticket [%.10s]", m.zTicketUuid);
+    blob_zero(&comment);
+    if( m.nField==1 ){
+      if( m.aField[0].zName[0]=='+' ){
+        blob_appendf(&comment,
+          "Appended to %h in ticket [%.10s]",
+          &m.aField[0].zName[1], m.zTicketUuid
+        );
+      }else if( strlen(m.aField[0].zValue)<40 ){
+        blob_appendf(&comment,
+          "Changed %h to \"%h\" in ticket [%.10s]",
+          m.aField[0].zName, m.aField[0].zValue, m.zTicketUuid
+        );
+      }else{
+        blob_appendf(&comment,
+          "Changed %h in ticket [%.10s]",
+          m.aField[0].zName, m.zTicketUuid
+        );
+      }
+    }else{
+      const char *z;
+      const char *zSep = " ";
+      blob_appendf(&comment, "%d changes to ticket [%.10s]:",
+                            m.nField, m.zTicketUuid);
+      for(i=0; i<m.nField; i++){
+        z = m.aField[i].zName;
+        if( z[0]=='+' ) z++;
+        blob_appendf(&comment, "%s%h", zSep, z);
+        zSep = ", ";
+      }
+    }
       "REPLACE INTO event(type,mtime,objid,user,comment)"
-      m.rDate, rid, m.zUser, zComment
+      m.rDate, rid, m.zUser, blob_str(&comment)
-    free(zComment);
+    blob_reset(&comment);
   return 1;