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Differences From:

File src/setup.c part of check-in [ce277cadda] - Incremental work on tickets and especially ticket configuration. by drh on 2008-05-25 19:36:47. [view]


File src/setup.c part of check-in [86db6fa150] - Split of the ticket configuratio into separately editable pieces. by drh on 2008-05-28 15:29:16. [view]

@@ -709,58 +709,7 @@
   @ <hr>
   @ Here is the default page footer:
   @ <blockquote><pre>
   @ %h(zDefaultFooter)
-  @ </pre></blockquote>
-  db_end_transaction(0);
-** WEBPAGE: setup_ticket
-void setup_ticket(void){
-  const char *zConfig;
-  int isSubmit;
-  login_check_credentials();
-  if( !g.okSetup ){
-    login_needed();
-  }
-  isSubmit = P("submit")!=0;
-  db_begin_transaction();
-  zConfig = P("cfg");
-  if( zConfig==0 ){
-    zConfig = db_text((char*)zDefaultTicketConfig,
-               "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='ticket-configuration'");
-  }
-  style_header("Edit Ticket Configuration");
-  if( P("clear")!=0 ){
-    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM config WHERE name='ticket-configuration'");
-    zConfig = zDefaultTicketConfig;
-  }else if( isSubmit ){
-    char *zErr = ticket_config_check(zConfig);
-    if( zErr==0 ){
-      db_multi_exec(
-         "REPLACE INTO config(name,value) VALUES('ticket-configuration',"
-         "%Q)", zConfig
-      );
-    }else{
-      @ <p><font color="red"><b>
-      @ SCRIPT ERROR: %h(zErr)
-      @ </b></font></p>
-    }
-  }
-  @ <form action="%s(g.zBaseURL)/setup_ticket" method="POST">
-  @ <p>Edit the TH1 script that defines the ticketing
-  @ system setup for this server.</p>
-  @ <textarea name="cfg" rows="40" cols="80">%h(zConfig)</textarea>
-  @ <br />
-  @ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Apply Changes">
-  @ <input type="submit" name="clear" value="Revert To Default">
-  @ </form>
-  @ <hr>
-  @ Here is the default ticket configuration:
-  @ <blockquote><pre>
-  @ %h(zDefaultTicketConfig)
   @ </pre></blockquote>