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File src/timeline.c part of check-in [2b0d4519dc] - Work toward making the "h" permission mean "hyperlink". Without "h", many pages will display, but there are few hyperlinks. A message invites users to login as anonymous. by drh on 2008-05-05 20:18:32. [view]


File src/timeline.c part of check-in [6458f020fc] - Change the spelling of "descendant" to use the -ant suffix everywhere, including in the filename "descendant.c". The adjective form can be spelled either -ant or -ent, but the noun form requires -ant, or so says American Heritage. by drh on 2008-05-14 02:03:45. [view]

@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@
 **    a=TIMESTAMP    after this date
 **    b=TIMESTAMP    before this date.
 **    n=COUNT        number of events in output
 **    p=RID          artifact RID and up to COUNT parents and ancestors
-**    d=RID          artifact RID and up to COUNT descendents
+**    d=RID          artifact RID and up to COUNT descendants
 **    u=USER         only if belonging to this user
 **    y=TYPE         'ci', 'w', 'tkt'
 ** p= and d= can appear individually or together.  If either p= or d=
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@
   Blob sql;                          /* text of SQL used to generate timeline */
   Blob desc;                         /* Description of the timeline */
   int nEntry = atoi(PD("n","20"));   /* Max number of entries on timeline */
   int p_rid = atoi(PD("p","0"));     /* artifact p and its parents */
-  int d_rid = atoi(PD("d","0"));     /* artifact d and its descendents */
+  int d_rid = atoi(PD("d","0"));     /* artifact d and its descendants */
   const char *zUser = P("u");        /* All entries by this user if not NULL */
   const char *zType = P("y");        /* Type of events.  All if NULL */
   const char *zAfter = P("a");       /* Events after this time */
   const char *zBefore = P("b");      /* Events before this time */
@@ -271,13 +271,13 @@
                          p_rid ? p_rid : d_rid);
     blob_appendf(&sql, " AND event.objid IN ok");
     nd = 0;
     if( d_rid ){
-      compute_descendents(d_rid, nEntry);
+      compute_descendants(d_rid, nEntry);
       nd = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*)-1 FROM ok");
       if( nd>0 ){
         db_multi_exec("%s", blob_str(&sql));
-        blob_appendf(&desc, "%d descendents", nd);
+        blob_appendf(&desc, "%d descendants", nd);
       db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM ok");
     if( p_rid ){
@@ -571,9 +571,9 @@
 ** keywords:
 **     before
 **     after
-**     descendents | children
+**     descendants | children
 **     ancestors | parents
 ** The UUID can be any unique prefix of 4 characters or more.
 ** The DATETIME should be in the ISO8601 format.  For
@@ -602,9 +602,9 @@
     if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"before",k)==0 ){
       mode = 1;
     }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"after",k)==0 && k>1 ){
       mode = 2;
-    }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"descendents",k)==0 ){
+    }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"descendants",k)==0 ){
       mode = 3;
     }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"children",k)==0 ){
       mode = 3;
     }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"ancestors",k)==0 && k>1 ){
@@ -624,9 +624,9 @@
   blob_append(&uuid, zOrigin, -1);
   if( strcmp(zOrigin, "now")==0 ){
     if( mode==3 || mode==4 ){
-      fossil_fatal("cannot compute descendents or ancestors of a date");
+      fossil_fatal("cannot compute descendants or ancestors of a date");
     zDate = mprintf("(SELECT datetime('now'))");
   }else if( strncmp(zOrigin, "current", k)==0 ){
     objid = db_lget_int("checkout",0);
@@ -635,9 +635,9 @@
     objid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid=%B", &uuid);
     zDate = mprintf("(SELECT mtime FROM plink WHERE cid=%d)", objid);
     if( mode==3 || mode==4 ){
-      fossil_fatal("cannot compute descendents or ancestors of a date");
+      fossil_fatal("cannot compute descendants or ancestors of a date");
     zDate = mprintf("(SELECT julianday(%Q, 'utc'))", zOrigin);
   zSQL = mprintf("%s AND event.mtime %s %s",
@@ -647,9 +647,9 @@
   if( mode==3 || mode==4 ){
     db_multi_exec("CREATE TEMP TABLE ok(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)");
     if( mode==3 ){
-      compute_descendents(objid, n);
+      compute_descendants(objid, n);
       compute_ancestors(objid, n);
     zSQL = mprintf("%z AND blob.rid IN ok", zSQL);