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Differences From:

File src/style.c part of check-in [ffe92f1a2f] - The entire header, including the menu bar, is now generated by TH script. This allows the menu bar to be customized by editing the header script. by drh on 2008-02-13 19:50:27. [view]


File src/style.c part of check-in [fde1d82372] - Cut over all code to use TH1 instead of subscript. Completely remove the subscript interpreter from the source tree. by drh on 2008-02-13 22:31:59. Also file src/style.c part of check-in [588bb7cd73] - Merged to ed26056bb5. by aku on 2008-02-24 18:50:35. [view]

@@ -79,15 +79,15 @@
   /* Generate the header up through the main menu */
-  Th_InitVar("project_name", db_get("project-name","Unnamed Fossil Project"));
-  Th_InitVar("title", zTitle);
-  Th_InitVar("baseurl", g.zBaseURL);
-  Th_InitVar("manifest_version", MANIFEST_VERSION);
-  Th_InitVar("manifest_date", MANIFEST_DATE);
+  Th_Store("project_name", db_get("project-name","Unnamed Fossil Project"));
+  Th_Store("title", zTitle);
+  Th_Store("baseurl", g.zBaseURL);
+  Th_Store("manifest_version", MANIFEST_VERSION);
+  Th_Store("manifest_date", MANIFEST_DATE);
   if( g.zLogin ){
-    Th_InitVar("login", g.zLogin);
+    Th_Store("login", g.zLogin);
   g.cgiPanic = 1;