Differences From:
part of check-in
- Additional cleanup in the differencing engine. The new "dir" webpage
now uses name= instead of the d= for the query parameter.
drh on
2008-02-04 14:24:28.
part of check-in
- Begin inserting code to implement an "annotate" command.
drh on
2008-02-04 16:39:09.
@@ -549,5 +549,160 @@
blob_read_from_file(&b, g.argv[3]);
text_diff(&a, &b, &out, 3);
blob_write_to_file(&out, "-");
+** The basic difference engine is above. What follows is the annotation
+** engine. Both are in the same file since they share many components.
+** The status of an annotation operation is recorded by an instance
+** of the following structure.
+typedef struct Annotator Annotator;
+struct Annotator {
+ DContext c; /* The diff-engine context */
+ Blob blobTo; /* Blob to free at next step */
+ int nOrig; /* Number of lines in original file */
+ int nNoSrc; /* Number of uncompleted aOrig[].zSrc entries */
+ struct { /* Lines of the original files... */
+ const char *z; /* The text of the line */
+ int n; /* Number of bytes (omitting trailing space and \n) */
+ const char *zSrc; /* Tag showing origin of this line */
+ } *aOrig;
+ int *aMap; /* Map lines for c.aTo into aOrig */
+** Initialize the annotation process by specifying the file that is
+** to be annotated. The annotator takes control of the input Blob and
+** will release it when it is finished with it.
+static int annotation_start(Annotator *p, Blob *pInput){
+ int i;
+ memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
+ p->c.aTo = break_into_lines(blob_str(pInput), &p->c.nTo);
+ if( p->c.aTo==0 ){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ p->aMap = malloc( sizeof(int)*p->c.nTo );
+ if( p->aMap==0 ) fossil_panic("out of memory");
+ for(i=0; i<p->c.nTo; i++) p->aMap[i] = i;
+ p->aOrig = malloc( sizeof(p->aOrig[0])*p->c.nTo );
+ if( p->aOrig==0 ) fossil_panic("out of memory");
+ for(i=0; i<p->c.nTo; i++){
+ p->aOrig[i].z = p->c.aTo[i].z;
+ p->aOrig[i].n = p->c.aTo[i].h & LENGTH_MASK;
+ p->aOrig[i].zSrc = 0;
+ }
+ p->nOrig = p->c.nTo;
+ p->nNoSrc = p->c.nTo;
+ return 0;
+** The input pParent is the next most recent ancestor of the file
+** being annotated. Do another step of the annotation. Return true
+** if additional annotation is required. zPName is the tag to insert
+** on each line of the file being annotated that was contributed by
+** pParent. Memory to hold zPName is leaked.
+static int annotation_step(Annotator *p, Blob *pParent, char *zPName){
+ int i, j;
+ int lnTo, lnFrom;
+ int *aFromMap;
+ /* Prepare the parent file to be diffed */
+ p->c.aFrom = break_into_lines(blob_str(pParent), &p->c.nFrom);
+ if( p->c.aFrom==0 ){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Compute the differences going from pParent to the last file
+ ** processed */
+ diff_all(&p->c);
+ /* Where new lines are inserted on this difference, record the
+ ** zPName as the source of the new line.
+ */
+ for(i=lnTo=0; i<p->c.nEdit; i+=3){
+ lnTo += p->c.aEdit[i];
+ for(j=0; j<p->c.aEdit[i+2]; j++, lnTo++){
+ int x = p->aMap[lnTo];
+ if( x>=0 && p->aOrig[x].zSrc==0 ){
+ p->aOrig[x].zSrc = zPName;
+ p->nNoSrc--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* We will be converting aFrom into aTo for the next step. Compute
+ ** a map from the aFrom into the original file being annotated.
+ */
+ aFromMap = malloc( sizeof(int)*p->c.nFrom );
+ if( aFromMap==0 ){
+ fossil_panic("out of memory");
+ }
+ for(i=lnTo=lnFrom=0; i<p->c.nEdit; i+=3){
+ for(j=0; j<p->c.aEdit[i]; j++){
+ aFromMap[lnFrom++] = p->aMap[lnTo++];
+ }
+ for(j=0; j<p->c.aEdit[i+1]; j++){
+ aFromMap[lnFrom++] = -1;
+ }
+ lnTo += p->c.aEdit[i+2];
+ }
+ assert( lnFrom==p->c.nFrom );
+ free(p->aMap);
+ p->aMap = aFromMap;
+ /* Clear out the diff results */
+ free(p->c.aEdit);
+ p->c.aEdit = 0;
+ p->c.nEdit = 0;
+ p->c.nEditAlloc = 0;
+ /* Move aFrom over to aTo in preparation for the next step */
+ free(p->c.aTo);
+ if( blob_buffer(&p->blobTo) ) blob_reset(&p->blobTo);
+ p->blobTo = *pParent;
+ blob_zero(pParent);
+ p->c.aTo = p->c.aFrom;
+ p->c.nTo = p->c.nFrom;
+ /* Return no errors */
+ return 0;
+** COMMAND: test-annotate-step
+void test_annotate_step_cmd(void){
+ Blob orig, b;
+ Annotator x;
+ int i;
+ if( g.argc<4 ) usage("RID1 RID2 ...");
+ db_must_be_within_tree();
+ blob_zero(&b);
+ content_get(name_to_rid(g.argv[2]), &orig);
+ if( annotation_start(&x, &orig) ){
+ fossil_fatal("binary file");
+ }
+ for(i=3; i<g.argc; i++){
+ blob_zero(&b);
+ content_get(name_to_rid(g.argv[i]), &b);
+ if( annotation_step(&x, &b, g.argv[i-1]) ){
+ fossil_fatal("binary file");
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<x.nOrig; i++){
+ const char *zSrc = x.aOrig[i].zSrc;
+ if( zSrc==0 ) zSrc = g.argv[g.argc-1];
+ printf("%10s: %.*s\n", zSrc, x.aOrig[i].n, x.aOrig[i].z);
+ }