Differences From:
part of check-in
- Changeset handling, extended logging of how parent is determined.
Fossil access, fixed importrev call to use correct workspace/repository.
Fixed handling of output, stripping unwanted text, checking of output syntax.
Extended logging. Added final 'rebuild'.
NOTE: formation of the changesets/manifests is buggy, is not tracking unchanged files across changesets. Further not yet tracking when files have been removed.
aku on
2008-02-02 07:03:39.
part of check-in
- Reworked the revision import to use the new state tracking system instead of the simple array. Moved some log outputs. Added a file listing the known problems to prevent me from forgetting stuff as it piles up :/
aku on
2008-02-04 06:05:11.
@@ -390,11 +390,9 @@
trouble internal "[$self str] depends on itself"
- method pushto {sv repository date} {
- upvar 1 $sv state
+ method pushto {repository date rstate} {
# Generate and import the manifest for this changeset.
# Data needed:
# - Commit message (-- mysrcid -> repository meta)
@@ -409,17 +407,34 @@
struct::list assign [$myproject getmeta $mysrcid] __ branch user message
struct::list assign $branch __ lodname
+ log write 2 csets {Importing revision [$self str] on $lodname}
# Perform the import. As part of that we determine the parent
# we need, and convert the list of items in the changeset into
# uuids and printable data.
- set uuid [Updatestate state $lodname \
- [$repository importrevision [$self str] \
- $user $message $date \
- [Getparent state $lodname $myproject $myitems] \
- [Getrevisioninfo $myitems]]]
+ struct::list assign [Getisdefault $myitems] isdefault lastdefaultontrunk
+ log write 8 csets {LOD '$lodname'}
+ log write 8 csets { def? $isdefault}
+ log write 8 csets { last? $lastdefaultontrunk}
+ set lws [Getworkspace $rstate $lodname $myproject $isdefault]
+ $lws add [Getrevisioninfo $myitems]
+ set uuid [$repository importrevision [$self str] \
+ $user $message $date \
+ [$lws getid] [$lws get]]
+ # Remember the imported changeset in the state, under our
+ # LOD. And if it is the last trunk changeset on the vendor
+ # branch then the revision is also the actual root of the
+ # :trunk:, so we remember it as such in the state.
+ $lws defid $uuid
+ if {$lastdefaultontrunk} { $rstate new :trunk: [$lws name] }
# Remember the whole changeset / uuid mapping, for the tags.
state run {
@@ -443,78 +458,56 @@
return $revisions
- proc Getparent {sv lodname project items} {
- upvar 1 $sv state
- struct::list assign [Getisdefault $items] isdefault lastdefaultontrunk
- log write 8 csets {LOD '$lodname'}
- log write 8 csets { def? $isdefault}
- log write 8 csets { last? $lastdefaultontrunk}
- foreach k [lsort [array names state]] {
- log write 8 csets { $k = $state($k)}
- }
- # See (a) below, we have to remember if the changeset is last
- # on vendor branch also belonging to trunk even if we find a
- # parent in the state. The caller will later (after import)
- # make us the first trunk changeset in the state (See (**)).
- if {$lastdefaultontrunk} {
- set state(:vendor:last:) .
- }
- # The state array holds for each line-of-development (LOD) the
- # last committed changeset belonging to that LOD.
+ proc Getworkspace {rstate lodname project isdefault} {
+ # The state object holds the workspace state of each known
+ # line-of-development (LOD), up to the last committed
+ # changeset belonging to that LOD.
# (*) Standard handling if in-LOD changesets. If the LOD of
# the current changeset exists in the state (= has been
- # committed to) then the stored changeset is the parent we
- # are looking for.
- if {[info exists state($lodname)]} {
- return $state($lodname)
- }
- # If the LOD is not yet known the current changeset can either
- # be
- # (a) the root of a vendor branch,
- # (b) the root of the trunk LOD, or
+ # committed to) then this it has the workspace we are
+ # looking for.
+ if {[$rstate has $lodname]} {
+ return [$rstate get $lodname]
+ }
+ # If the LOD is however not yet known, then the current
+ # changeset can be either of
+ # (a) root of a vendor branch,
+ # (b) root of the trunk LOD, or
# (c) the first changeset in a new LOD which was spawned from
# an existing LOD.
- if {$isdefault} {
- # In case of (a) the changeset has no parent, signaled by
- # the empty string. We do remember if the changeset is
- # last on the vendor branch still belonging to trunk, for
- # the trunk root.
- return {}
- }
- if {$lodname eq ":trunk:"} {
- # This is case (b), and we also can be sure that there is
- # no vendor branch changeset which could be our
- # parent. That was already dealt with through the
- # :vendor:last: signal and code in the caller (setting
- # such a changeset up as parent in the state, causing the
- # standard LOD handler at (*) to kick in. So, no parent
- # here at all.
- return {}
- }
- # Case (c). We find the parent LOD of our LOD and take the
- # last changeset committed to that as our parent. If that
- # doesn't exist we have an error on our hands.
+ if {$isdefault || ($lodname eq ":trunk:")} {
+ # For both (a) and (b) we have to create a new workspace
+ # for the lod, and it doesn't inherit from anything.
+ # Note that case (b) may never occur. See the variable
+ # 'lastdefaultontrunk' in the caller (method pushto). This
+ # flag can the generation of the workspace for the :trunk:
+ # LOD as well, making it inherit the state of the last
+ # trunk-changeset on the vendor-branch.
+ return [$rstate new $lodname]
+ }
+ # Case (c). We find the parent LOD of our LOD and let the new
+ # workspace inherit from the parent's workspace.
set plodname [[[$project getsymbol $lodname] parent] name]
log write 8 csets {pLOD '$plodname'}
- if {[info exists state($plodname)]} {
- return $state($plodname)
+ if {[$rstate has $plodname]} {
+ return [$rstate new $lodname $plodname]
+ }
+ foreach k [lsort [$rstate names]] {
+ log write 8 csets { $k = [[$rstate get $k] getid]}
trouble internal {Unable to determine changeset parent}
@@ -533,25 +526,8 @@
# TODO/CHECK: look for changesets where isdefault/dbchild is
# ambigous.
return [list $def [expr {$last ne ""}]]
- }
- proc Updatestate {sv lodname uuid} {
- upvar 1 $sv state
- # Remember the imported changeset in the state, under our
- # LOD. (**) And if the :vendor:last: signal is present then
- # the revision is also the actual root of the :trunk:, so
- # remember it as such.
- set state($lodname) $uuid
- if {[info exists state(:vendor:last:)]} {
- unset state(:vendor:last:)
- set state(:trunk:) $uuid
- }
- return $uuid
typemethod split {cset args} {
# As part of the creation of the new changesets specified in