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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_fossil.tcl part of check-in [9214c11831] - Changeset handling, extended logging of how parent is determined. Fossil access, fixed importrev call to use correct workspace/repository. Fixed handling of output, stripping unwanted text, checking of output syntax. Extended logging. Added final 'rebuild'. NOTE: formation of the changesets/manifests is buggy, is not tracking unchanged files across changesets. Further not yet tracking when files have been removed. by aku on 2008-02-02 07:03:39. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_fossil.tcl part of check-in [e7138d7f9c] - Moved the really large log output during revision import (log message, and command) to very high log levels. by aku on 2008-02-04 06:02:57. [view]

@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@
 	lappend cmd Do test-import-manifest $date $message
 	if {$parent ne ""} { lappend cmd -p $parent }
 	foreach {frid fpath flabel} $revisions {
 	    lappend cmd -f $frid $fpath
-	    log write 2 fossil {** <[format %5d $frid]> = <$flabel>}
+	    log write 12 fossil {** <[format %5d $frid]> = <$flabel>}
 	# run fossil test-command performing the import.
-	log write 8 fossil {	[lreplace $cmd 3 3 @@]}
+	log write 12 fossil {	[lreplace $cmd 3 3 @@]}
 	$self InWorkspace
 	set res [eval $cmd]
 	$self RestorePwd