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File src/checkin.c part of check-in [dfb6ee3bac] - Dropped primary key of temp table __im, record ids are not unique. Scenario: Several empty files. All have the same id, different paths. by aku on 2008-02-02 06:49:40. [view]


File src/checkin.c part of check-in [e0580dfeee] - Honor the -f flag on commit. (It was using -r in place of -f due to a typo, apparently.) by drh on 2008-02-04 00:25:00. [view]

@@ -338,9 +338,9 @@
   Blob cksum1b;          /* Checksum recorded in the manifest */
   noSign = find_option("nosign","",0)!=0;
   zComment = find_option("comment","m",1);
-  forceFlag = find_option("force", "r", 0)!=0;
+  forceFlag = find_option("force", "f", 0)!=0;
   noSign = db_get_int("omitsign", 0)|noSign;