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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_fossil.tcl part of check-in [f9e0d23d97] - Added placeholder code to the fossil accessor class for the import of a revision. currently only logging the call. by aku on 2008-01-30 08:25:00. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_fossil.tcl part of check-in [7c43583de1] - Tinkered with the revision information transfered from a changeset to push, to the fossil accessor code, modified the logging as well. by aku on 2008-01-31 06:25:34. [view]

@@ -97,28 +97,31 @@
     method importrevision {label user message date parent revisions} {
 	# TODO = Write the actual import, and up the log level.
-	log write 2 fossil {== $user @ [clock format $date]}
-	log write 2 fossil {-> $parent}
-	log write 2 fossil {%% [join [split $message \n] "\n%% "]}
-	set uuids {}
-	foreach {uuid fname revnr} $revisions {
-	    lappend uuids $uuid
-	    log write 2 fossil {** $fname/$revnr = <$uuid>}
-	}
 	# Massage the commit message to remember the old user name
 	# which did the commit in CVS.
 	set message "By $user:\n$message"
+	log write 2 fossil {== $user @ [clock format $date]}
+	log write 2 fossil {-> $parent}
+	log write 2 fossil {%% [join [split $message \n] "\n%% "]}
+	lappend cmd Do test-import-manifest $date $message
+	if {$parent ne ""} { lappend cmd --parents $parent }
+	lappend cmd --files
+	foreach {frid fpath flabel} $revisions {
+	    lappend cmd $frid $fpath
+	    log write 2 fossil {** <[format %5d $frid]> = $flabel}
+	}
 	# run fossil test-command performing the import.
-	#
-	log write 2 fossil {== $label}
-	return $label ; # FAKE a uuid for the moment
+	# set uuid [eval $cmd]
+	set uuid $label ; # FAKE an uuid for the moment
+	log write 2 fossil {== $uuid}
+	return $uuid
     method finalize {destination} {
 	::file rename -force $myrepository $destination