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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/misc.tcl part of check-in [edc46651c7] - Moved the new case-sensitive file checking code into the misc package with descriptive command names, to recapture clarity of code at the calling places. by aku on 2008-01-29 04:05:10. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/misc.tcl part of check-in [ed13b28b13] - Fixed the names for the case-sensitive file operations. by aku on 2008-01-30 03:10:57. [view]

@@ -99,46 +99,46 @@
 	# the names) to perform our own, case-sensitive matching. WE
 	# use 8.5 features where possible, for clarity.
 	if {[package vsatisfies [package present Tcl] 8.5]} {
-	    proc fileexists_ci {path} {
+	    proc fileexists_cs {path} {
 		set dir  [::file dirname $path]
 		set file [::file tail    $path]
 		return [expr {$file in [glob -nocomplain -tail -directory $dir *]}]
-	    proc fileisdir_ci {path} {
+	    proc fileisdir_cs {path} {
 		set dir  [::file dirname $path]
 		set file [::file tail    $path]
 		return [expr {$file in [glob -nocomplain -types d -tail -directory $dir *]}]
 	} else {
-	    proc fileexists_ci {path} {
+	    proc fileexists_cs {path} {
 		set dir  [::file dirname $path]
 		set file [::file tail    $path]
 		return [expr {[lsearch [glob -nocomplain -tail -directory $dir *] $file] >= 0}]
-	    proc fileisdir_ci {path} {
+	    proc fileisdir_cs {path} {
 		set dir  [::file dirname $path]
 		set file [::file tail    $path]
 		return [expr {[lsearch [glob -nocomplain -types d -tail -directory $dir *] $file] >= 0}]
     } else {
-	proc fileexists_ci {path} { return [file exists      $path] }
-	proc fileisdir_ci  {path} { return [file isdirectory $path] }
+	proc fileexists_cs {path} { return [file exists      $path] }
+	proc fileisdir_cs  {path} { return [file isdirectory $path] }
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
 namespace eval ::vc::tools::misc {
     namespace export sp nsp max min max2 min2 ldelete
-    namespace export striptrailingslash fileexists_ci fileisdir_ci
+    namespace export striptrailingslash fileexists_cs fileisdir_cs
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Ready
 package provide vc::tools::misc 1.0