@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
{Revisions and their LODs have to be in the same project} \
{disagrees with its LOD about owning project} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, file F, symbol S
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.lod = S.sid
- AND F.pid != S.pid
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of rev
+ AND R.lod = S.sid -- get symbol of its lod
+ AND F.pid != S.pid -- disagreement about the owning project
# Find all revisions which disgree with their meta data about
# the project they are owned by.
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@
{Revisions and their meta data have to be in the same project} \
{disagrees with its meta data about owning project} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, file F, meta M
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.mid = M.mid
- AND F.pid != M.pid
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of rev
+ AND R.mid = M.mid -- get meta of rev
+ AND F.pid != M.pid -- disagreement about owning project
# Find all revisions with a primary child which disagrees
# about the file they belong to.
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@
{Revisions and their primary children have to be in the same file} \
{disagrees with its primary child about the owning file} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision C, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.child = C.rid
- AND C.fid != R.fid
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of rev
+ AND R.child IS NOT NULL -- get all with primary children
+ AND R.child = C.rid -- get primary child
+ AND C.fid != R.fid -- wrongly in different file
# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol whose parent
@@ -117,12 +117,12 @@
{Revisions and their branch children have to be in the same file} \
{at the beginning of its branch and its parent disagree about the owning file} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision P, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL
- AND R.parent = P.rid
- AND R.fid != P.fid
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of rev
+ AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL -- get first-of-branch revisions
+ AND R.parent = P.rid -- get out-of-branch parent
+ AND R.fid != P.fid -- wrongly in different file
# Find all revisions with a non-NTDB child which disagrees
# about the file they belong to.
@@ -130,12 +130,12 @@
{Revisions and their non-NTDB children have to be in the same file} \
{disagrees with its non-NTDB child about the owning file} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision C, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.dbchild IS NOT NULL
- AND R.dbchild = C.rid
- AND C.fid != R.fid
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of rev
+ AND R.dbchild IS NOT NULL -- get last NTDB revisions
+ AND R.dbchild = C.rid -- get their child
+ AND C.fid != R.fid -- wrongly in different file
# Find all revisions which have a primary child, but the child
# does not have them as parent.
@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@
{Revisions have to be parents of their primary children} \
{is not the parent of its primary child} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision C, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.child = C.rid
- AND C.parent != R.rid
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of rev
+ AND R.child IS NOT NULL -- get all with primary children
+ AND R.child = C.rid -- get primary child
+ AND C.parent != R.rid -- child's parent wrongly not us
# Find all revisions which have a primrary child, but the
# child has a branch parent symbol making them brach starters.
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
{Primary children of revisions must not start branches} \
{is parent of a primary child which is the beginning of a branch} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision C, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.child = C.rid
- AND C.bparent IS NOT NULL
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of rev
+ AND R.child IS NOT NULL -- get all with primary children
+ AND R.child = C.rid -- get primary child
+ AND C.bparent IS NOT NULL -- but indicates to be on branch
# Find all revisions without branch parent symbol which have a
# parent, but the parent does not have them as primary child.
@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@
{Revisions have to be primary children of their parents, if any} \
{is not the child of its parent} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision P, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.bparent IS NULL
- AND R.parent IS NOT NULL
- AND R.parent = P.rid
- AND P.child != R.rid
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
+ AND R.bparent IS NULL -- exclude all first-on-branch revisions
+ AND R.parent IS NOT NULL -- which are not root of their line
+ AND R.parent = P.rid -- get in-lod parent
+ AND P.child != R.rid -- but does not have rev as primary child
# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol which do not
# have a parent.
@@ -183,14 +183,14 @@
{Branch starting revisions have to have a parent, if not detached} \
{at the beginning of its branch has no parent, but its branch has} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, file F, branch B
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL
- AND R.parent IS NULL
- AND B.sid = R.bparent
- AND B.fid = R.fid
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
+ AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL -- limit to first-on-branch revisions
+ AND R.parent IS NULL -- which are detached
+ AND B.sid = R.bparent -- get branch governing the rev
+ AND B.fid = R.fid -- in the revision's file
+ AND B.root IS NOT NULL -- but says that branch is attached
# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol whose parent
# has them as primary child.
@@ -198,13 +198,13 @@
{Branch starting revisions must not be primary children of their parents} \
{at the beginning of its branch is the primary child of its parent} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision P, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL
- AND R.parent IS NOT NULL
- AND R.parent = P.rid
- AND P.child = R.rid
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
+ AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL -- limit to first-on-branch revisions
+ AND R.parent IS NOT NULL -- which are attached
+ AND R.parent = P.rid -- get out-of-branch parent
+ AND P.child = R.rid -- wrongly has rev as primary child
# Find all revisions with a non-NTDB child which are not on
# the NTDB.
@@ -212,11 +212,11 @@
{NTDB to trunk transition has to begin on NTDB} \
{has a non-NTDB child, yet is not on the NTDB} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.dbchild IS NOT NULL
- AND NOT R.isdefault
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
+ AND R.dbchild IS NOT NULL -- limit to last NTDB revision
+ AND NOT R.isdefault -- but signals not-NTDB
# Find all revisions with a NTDB parent which are on the NTDB.
CheckRev \
@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@
{NTDB to trunk transition has to end on non-NTDB} \
{has a NTDB parent, yet is on the NTDB} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.dbparent IS NOT NULL
- AND R.isdefault
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
+ AND R.dbparent IS NOT NULL -- limit to roots of non-NTDB
+ AND R.isdefault -- but signals to be NTDB
# Find all revisions with a child which disagrees about the
# line of development they belong to.
@@ -235,12 +235,12 @@
{Revisions and their primary children have to be in the same LOD} \
{and its primary child disagree about their LOD} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision C, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.child = C.rid
- AND C.lod != R.lod
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
+ AND R.child IS NOT NULL -- revision has a primary child
+ AND R.child = C.rid -- get that child
+ AND C.lod != R.lod -- child wrongly disagrees with lod
# Find all revisions with a non-NTDB child which agrees about
# the line of development they belong to.
@@ -248,12 +248,12 @@
{NTDB and trunk revisions have to be in different LODs} \
{on NTDB and its non-NTDB child wrongly agree about their LOD} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision C, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.dbchild IS NOT NULL
- AND R.dbchild = C.rid
- AND C.lod = R.lod
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
+ AND R.dbchild IS NOT NULL -- limit to last NTDB revision
+ AND R.dbchild = C.rid -- get non-NTDB child
+ AND C.lod = R.lod -- child wrongly has same lod
# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol which is not
# their LOD.
@@ -261,11 +261,11 @@
{Branch starting revisions have to have their LOD as branch parent symbol} \
{at the beginning of its branch does not have the branch symbol as its LOD} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL
- AND R.lod != R.bparent
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
+ AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL -- limit to branch-first revisions
+ AND R.lod != R.bparent -- out-of-branch parent wrongly is not the lod
# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol whose parent
# is in the same line of development.
@@ -273,12 +273,12 @@
{Revisions and their branch children have to be in different LODs} \
{at the beginning of its branch and its parent wrongly agree about their LOD} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, revision P, file F
- WHERE R.fid = F.fid
- AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL
- AND R.parent = P.rid
- AND R.lod = P.lod
+ WHERE R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
+ AND R.bparent IS NOT NULL -- limit to branch-first revisions
+ AND R.parent = P.rid -- get out-of-branch parent of revision
+ AND R.lod = P.lod -- rev and parent wrongly agree on lod
@@ -296,11 +296,11 @@
{Revisions and their meta data have to be in the same LOD} \
{disagrees with its meta data about owning LOD} {
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, meta M, file F
- WHERE R.mid = M.mid
- AND R.lod != M.bid
- AND R.fid = F.fid
+ WHERE R.mid = M.mid -- get meta data of revision
+ AND R.lod != M.bid -- rev wrongly disagrees with meta about lod
+ AND R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
@@ -349,16 +349,18 @@
-- associated file (name) for display.
SELECT F.name, R.rev
FROM revision R, file F,
- (SELECT CI.iid AS rid, count(CI.cid) AS count
+ (SELECT CI.iid AS rid, -- revision item
+ count(CI.cid) AS count -- number of csets using item
FROM csitem CI, changeset C
- WHERE C.type = 0
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- WHERE U.count > 1
- AND R.rid = U.rid
- AND R.fid = F.fid
+ WHERE C.type = 0 -- limit to revision csets
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get item in changeset
+ GROUP BY CI.iid -- aggregate by item, count csets/item
+ ) AS U
+ WHERE U.count > 1 -- limit to item with multiple users
+ AND R.rid = U.rid -- get revision of item
+ AND R.fid = F.fid -- get file of revision
# All revisions have to refer to the same meta information as
# their changeset.
CheckRevCS \
@@ -387,14 +389,19 @@
{: Its revisions disagree about the LOD they belong to} {
SELECT T.name, C.cid
FROM changeset C, cstype T
- FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, R.lod AS lod
+ FROM (SELECT DISTINCT -- unique cset/lod pairs
+ CI.cid AS cid, -- revision cset
+ R.lod AS lod -- lod of item in cset
FROM csitem CI, changeset C, revision R
- WHERE CI.iid = R.rid
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- AND C.type = 0) AS U
- GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT(U.lod) > 1)
+ WHERE CI.iid = R.rid -- get rev of item in cset
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND C.type = 0 -- limit to rev csets
+ ) AS U
+ GROUP BY U.cid -- aggregate by cset, count lods/cset
+ HAVING COUNT(U.lod) > 1 -- find csets with multiple lods
+ )
AND T.tid = C.type
# All revisions have to agree on the project their changeset
# belongs to. In other words, all revisions in a changeset
@@ -410,16 +417,21 @@
{: Its revisions disagree about the project they belong to} {
SELECT T.name, C.cid
FROM changeset C, cstype T
- FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, F.pid AS pid
+ FROM (SELECT DISTINCT -- unique cset/proj pairs
+ CI.cid AS cid, -- rev cset
+ F.pid AS pid -- project of item in cset
FROM csitem CI, changeset C, revision R, file F
- WHERE CI.iid = R.rid
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- AND C.type = 0
- AND F.fid = R.fid) AS U
- GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT(U.pid) > 1)
- AND T.tid = C.type
+ WHERE CI.iid = R.rid -- get rev of item in cset
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND C.type = 0 -- limit to rev changesets
+ AND F.fid = R.fid -- get file of revision
+ ) AS U
+ GROUP BY U.cid -- aggregate by csets, count proj/cset
+ HAVING COUNT(U.pid) > 1 -- find csets with multiple projects
+ )
+ AND T.tid = C.type -- get readable changeset type
# All revisions in a single changeset have to belong to
# different files. Conversely: No two revisions of a single
# file are allowed to be in the same changeset.
@@ -435,24 +447,32 @@
{: Its revisions share files} {
SELECT T.name, C.cid
FROM changeset C, cstype T
- FROM (SELECT U.cid as cid, COUNT (U.fid) AS fcount
- FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, R.fid AS fid
+ FROM (SELECT U.cid AS cid, -- rev changeset
+ COUNT (U.fid) AS fcount -- number of files by items
+ FROM (SELECT DISTINCT -- unique cset/file pairs
+ CI.cid AS cid, -- rev changeset
+ R.fid AS fid -- file of item in changeset
FROM csitem CI, changeset C, revision R
- WHERE CI.iid = R.rid
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- AND C.type = 0
+ WHERE CI.iid = R.rid -- get rev of item in changeset
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND C.type = 0 -- limit to rev csets
) AS U
- GROUP BY U.cid) AS UU,
- (SELECT V.cid AS cid, COUNT (V.iid) AS rcount
+ GROUP BY U.cid -- aggregate by csets, count files/cset
+ ) AS UU,
+ (SELECT V.cid AS cid, -- rev changeset
+ COUNT (V.iid) AS rcount -- number of items
FROM csitem V, changeset X
- WHERE X.cid = V.cid
- AND X.type = 0
- WHERE VV.cid = UU.cid
- AND UU.fcount < VV.rcount)
- AND T.tid = C.type
+ WHERE X.cid = V.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND X.type = 0 -- limit to rev csets
+ GROUP BY V.cid -- aggregate by csets, count items/cset
+ ) AS VV
+ WHERE VV.cid = UU.cid -- sync #items/cset with #files/cset
+ AND UU.fcount < VV.rcount -- less files than items
+ -- => items belong to the same file.
+ )
+ AND T.tid = C.type -- get readable changeset type
@@ -499,17 +519,19 @@
-- display.
SELECT P.name, S.name
FROM tag T, project P, symbol S,
- (SELECT CI.iid AS iid, count(CI.cid) AS count
+ (SELECT CI.iid AS iid, -- item
+ count(CI.cid) AS count -- number of csets using item
FROM csitem CI, changeset C
- WHERE C.type = 1
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- WHERE U.count > 1
- AND T.tid = U.iid
- AND S.sid = T.sid -- get symbol of tag
- AND P.pid = S.pid -- get project of symbol
+ WHERE C.type = 1 -- limit to tag csets
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get items of cset
+ GROUP BY CI.iid -- aggregate by item, count csets/item
+ ) AS U
+ WHERE U.count > 1 -- find tag item used multiple times
+ AND T.tid = U.iid -- get tag of item
+ AND S.sid = T.sid -- get symbol of tag
+ AND P.pid = S.pid -- get project of symbol
if 0 {
# This check is disabled for the moment. Apparently tags
# can cross lines of development, at least if the involved
@@ -557,16 +579,21 @@
{: Its tags disagree about the project they belong to} {
SELECT T.name, C.cid
FROM changeset C, cstype T
- FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, F.pid AS pid
+ FROM (SELECT DISTINCT -- unique cset/proj pairs
+ CI.cid AS cid, -- tag cset
+ F.pid AS pid -- project of item in cset
FROM csitem CI, changeset C, tag T, file F
- WHERE CI.iid = T.tid
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- AND C.type = 1
- AND F.fid = T.fid) AS U
- GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT(U.pid) > 1)
- AND T.tid = C.type
+ WHERE CI.iid = T.tid -- get tag of item in cset
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND C.type = 1 -- limit to tag changesets
+ AND F.fid = T.fid -- get file of tag
+ ) AS U
+ GROUP BY U.cid -- aggregate by csets, count proj/cset
+ HAVING COUNT(U.pid) > 1 -- find csets with multiple projects
+ )
+ AND T.tid = C.type -- get readable changeset type
# All tags in a single changeset have to belong to different
# files. Conversely: No two tags of a single file are allowed
# to be in the same changeset.
@@ -581,24 +608,32 @@
{: Its tags share files} {
SELECT T.name, C.cid
FROM changeset C, cstype T
- FROM (SELECT U.cid as cid, COUNT (U.fid) AS fcount
- FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, T.fid AS fid
+ FROM (SELECT U.cid AS cid, -- changeset
+ COUNT (U.fid) AS fcount -- number of files by items
+ FROM (SELECT DISTINCT -- unique cset/file pairs
+ CI.cid AS cid, -- tag changeset
+ T.fid AS fid -- file of item in changeset
FROM csitem CI, changeset C, tag T
- WHERE CI.iid = T.tid
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- AND C.type = 1
+ WHERE CI.iid = T.tid -- get tag of item in changeset
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND C.type = 1 -- limit to tag changesets
) AS U
- GROUP BY U.cid) AS UU,
- (SELECT V.cid AS cid, COUNT (V.iid) AS rcount
+ GROUP BY U.cid -- aggregate by csets, count files/cset
+ ) AS UU,
+ (SELECT V.cid AS cid, -- changeset
+ COUNT (V.iid) AS rcount -- number of items in cset
FROM csitem V, changeset X
- WHERE X.cid = V.cid
- AND X.type = 1
- WHERE VV.cid = UU.cid
- AND UU.fcount < VV.rcount)
- AND T.tid = C.type
+ WHERE X.cid = V.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND X.type = 1 -- limit to tag changesets
+ GROUP BY V.cid -- aggregate by csets, count items/cset
+ ) AS VV
+ WHERE VV.cid = UU.cid -- sync #items/cset with #files/cset
+ AND UU.fcount < VV.rcount -- less files than items
+ -- => items belong to the same file.
+ )
+ AND T.tid = C.type -- get readable changeset type
@@ -629,9 +664,10 @@
EXCEPT -- subtract
SELECT CI.iid -- branches used
FROM csitem CI, changeset C
WHERE C.cid = CI.cid -- by any branch
- AND C.type = 2) -- changeset
+ AND C.type = 2 -- changeset
+ )
AND S.sid = B.sid -- get symbol of branch
AND P.pid = S.pid -- get project of symbol
# Find all branches which are used by more than one changeset.
@@ -646,17 +682,19 @@
-- for display.
SELECT P.name, S.name
FROM branch B, project P, symbol S,
- (SELECT CI.iid AS iid, count(CI.cid) AS count
+ (SELECT CI.iid AS iid, -- item
+ count(CI.cid) AS count -- number of csets for item
FROM csitem CI, changeset C
- WHERE C.type = 2
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- GROUP BY CI.iid ) AS U
- WHERE U.count > 1
- AND B.bid = U.iid
- AND S.sid = B.sid -- get symbol of branch
- AND P.pid = S.pid -- get project of symbol
+ WHERE C.type = 2 -- limit to branch changesets,
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get the items they contain,
+ GROUP BY CI.iid -- aggregate by items, count csets/item (x)
+ ) AS U
+ WHERE U.count > 1 -- find items used multiple times
+ AND B.bid = U.iid -- get the users (branch changesets)
+ AND S.sid = B.sid -- get symbol of branch
+ AND P.pid = S.pid -- get project of symbol
if 0 {
# This check has been disabled. When the converter was run
# on the Tcl CVS several branches tripped this
@@ -720,16 +758,21 @@
{: Its branches disagree about the project they belong to} {
SELECT T.name, C.cid
FROM changeset C, cstype T
- FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, F.pid AS pid
+ FROM (SELECT DISTINCT -- Unique cset/proj pairs
+ CI.cid AS cid, -- Branch cset
+ F.pid AS pid -- Project of item in cset
FROM csitem CI, changeset C, branch B, file F
- WHERE CI.iid = B.bid
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- AND C.type = 2
- AND F.fid = B.fid) AS U
- GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT(U.pid) > 1)
- AND T.tid = C.type
+ WHERE CI.iid = B.bid -- get branch of item in cset
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND C.type = 2 -- limit to branch changesets
+ AND F.fid = B.fid -- get file of branch
+ ) AS U
+ GROUP BY U.cid -- aggregate by csets, count proj/cset
+ HAVING COUNT(U.pid) > 1 -- find cset with multiple projects
+ )
+ AND T.tid = C.type -- get readable changeset type
# All branches in a single changeset have to belong to
# different files. Conversely: No two branches of a single
# file are allowed to be in the same changeset.
@@ -745,24 +788,32 @@
{: Its branches share files} {
SELECT T.name, C.cid
FROM changeset C, cstype T
- FROM (SELECT U.cid as cid, COUNT (U.fid) AS fcount
- FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, B.fid AS fid
+ FROM (SELECT U.cid AS cid, -- changeset
+ COUNT (U.fid) AS fcount -- number of files by items
+ FROM (SELECT DISTINCT -- unique cset/file pairs
+ CI.cid AS cid, -- Branch changeset
+ B.fid AS fid -- File of item in changeset
FROM csitem CI, changeset C, branch B
- WHERE CI.iid = B.bid
- AND C.cid = CI.cid
- AND C.type = 2
+ WHERE CI.iid = B.bid -- get tag of item in changeset
+ AND C.cid = CI.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND C.type = 2 -- limit to branch changesets
) AS U
- GROUP BY U.cid) AS UU,
- (SELECT V.cid AS cid, COUNT (V.iid) AS rcount
+ GROUP BY U.cid -- aggregate by csets, count files/cset
+ ) AS UU,
+ (SELECT V.cid AS cid, -- changeset
+ COUNT (V.iid) AS rcount -- number of items in cset
FROM csitem V, changeset X
- WHERE X.cid = V.cid
- AND X.type = 2
- WHERE VV.cid = UU.cid
- AND UU.fcount < VV.rcount)
- AND T.tid = C.type
+ WHERE X.cid = V.cid -- get changeset of item
+ AND X.type = 2 -- limit to branch changesets
+ GROUP BY V.cid -- aggregate by csets, count items/cset
+ ) AS VV
+ WHERE VV.cid = UU.cid -- sync #items/cset with #files/cset
+ AND UU.fcount < VV.rcount -- less files than items
+ -- => items belong to the same file.
+ )
+ AND T.tid = C.type -- get readable changeset type