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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_prev.tcl part of check-in [f7cca3f082] - Fix table linkage in query, and duplicated conditions :( by aku on 2007-12-02 06:17:59. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_prev.tcl part of check-in [c784751485] - Bugfix. Typo. by aku on 2007-12-02 06:49:19. [view]

@@ -1290,9 +1290,9 @@
 	# The predecessors of a branch are all the revisions the
 	# branches are spawned from, as well as all the branches or
 	# tags which are their prefered parents.
-	set theset ('[join $tags {','}]')
+	set theset ('[join $branches {','}]')
 	foreach {bid parent} [state run "
 	    SELECT B.Bid, R.rid
 	    FROM   branch B, revision R
 	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset